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Retrospective Resonance on Listen Deep: Poetry, Sound and Multitudinous Remix (Post)


Two years ago today, Klara du Plessis and Deanna Fong participated in the event Listen Deep: Poetry, Sound and Multitudinous Remix, curated by Margaret Christakos and hosted at the University of Toronto on 8 March 2019. What follows is a brief description of the event’s activities, and then a transcription of a conversation that they had shortly after the event.

Article, SPOKENWEBLOG | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Virtual Participation - https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/j/9445298041

SpokenWeb Co-Investigator Al Filreis (University of Pennsylvania) will play performances of two poems, Anne Waldman’s “Rogue State” and Erica Hunt’s “Broken English,” for participants. Following the poems, Al will guide participants through an open discussion of the performances and how we can talk about sound when the text being discussed isn’t a sound poem. 

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Black Writers Out Loud Sunday — Nov 15, 2020 (Events)

Virtual Participation - https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/j/3772249115

Sunday, November 15th, 2020, at 8PM the Words & Music Show comes to you from the Sala Rossa with a special online show featuring some of Montreal’s top poets and spoken word artists in performance.

The event will feature performances by:
Roen Higgins
Fabrice Koffy
Faith Paré
Jason (Blackbird) Selman

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On Mobilizing ‘Unvoice’: An Interview with Eric Schmaltz (Post)


Situated at the intersection of sound and literature, artist and scholar Dr. Eric Schmaltz exemplifies the flexible thinking proper to such an innovative, interdisciplinary field. Recently, I spoke with Dr. Schmaltz about his upcoming critical work— the radical potential of silence and of body in the formation of a poetics of the ‘unvoice’—and of the sounds, important, informing his recent research activities. Most meaningfully, our conversation speaks to the possibilities inflecting our ever-growing sound studies scape; the connected and vital work of confronting our literary histories.

Article, Interviews, SPOKENWEBLOG | , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Politics and Poetics of Mediated Sound: Abel, Avasilichioaei, Scott and Starnes — May 30, 2019 (Events)

Vancouver - Simon Fraser University - David Mowafaghian World Arts Centre

Part of the SpokenWeb Symposium 2019 This evening features performances of poetic work by Jordan Abel, Oana Avasilichioaei, Jordan Scott and Jason Starnes. Each uses the affordances of mediated sound to intervene in the oral transmission of text, creating work that invites engaged and differential forms of listening and reciprocity. The event will be hosted by […]

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