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CFP – The Sound of Literature in Time: A Graduate Student Conference (Post)


The SpokenWeb Research Network (www.spokenweb.ca) will host an in-person and virtual graduate student symposium (academic conference) to be held at Concordia University in Montreal, 16-17 May 2022, on the theme of “The Sound of Literature in Time.” Proposals are due by 1 March 2022.

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On Literary Machine Listening and Pedagogy: The Praxis Studio with Julie Funk, Faith Ryan, and Jentery Sayers (Post)


This summer, I reached out to Jentery Sayers with some questions about his research on voice user interfaces. He told me his research had veered in new directions and proposed that we discuss other related projects happening at The University of Victoria, where he teaches, and runs the Praxis Studio for Comparative Media Studies. He suggested I get in touch with Julie Funk and Faith Ryan to learn more about what’s happening at the lab, which I did. Here’s a peek into their innovative work: ‘literary machine listening’ and teaching audio in fiction in the classroom.

Article, Interviews, SPOKENWEBLOG | , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Call for Papers – “Listening, Sound, Agency” (Post)


The SpokenWeb research network invites you to submit proposals to an interdisciplinary symposium to be held at Concordia University in Montreal, 17-18 July 2020. The theme of the SpokenWeb Symposium will be: Listening, Sound, Agency Listening to sound entails scenarios of subjection and agency. In Althussarian terms we might say that we are persistently interpellated, […]

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The (Dis)articulating Voice of the Phonograph: Early Spoken Recordings and the Sound of the Literary – Jason Camlot — May 31, 2019 (Events)

Vancouver, BC - The SpokenWeb Symposium - David Mowafaghian World Arts Centre

Closing Plenary of the SpokenWeb Symposium 2019 In this plenary lecture, Jason Camlot will share his appreciation of the strange sonic and material qualities of early sound recordings (c1888-1920), and outline methodologies for the critical study of early spoken recordings as literary artifacts.  To these ends, his presentation will first work to define some core critical […]

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Sonifying Race, Surveilling Space: The Sonic Color Line & the Listening Ear – Dr. Jennifer Lynn Stoever — May 30, 2019 (Events)

Vancouver, BC - The SpokenWeb Symposium 2019 - David Mowafaghian World Arts Centre

Opening Plenary of SpokenWeb Symposium 2019 For a very long time now, the United States has—audaciously and impossibly—labored under the illusion that it is a “colorblind” nation: that skin color simply “doesn’t matter” when it comes to employment, or schooling, or opportunity of any sort.  That it is possible to “not see color” when it comes to intimate relationships, to hiring or firing, […]

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