This virtual, introductory workshop will include basic information about the AudiAnnotate project including using IIIF and the IIIF specifications for AV. We will share how to use Audacity to annotate audio files and to use the AudiAnnotate tool with Jekyll and GitHub to manage editing and publishing IIIF manifests and annotations for audio collections. For more information […]
Workshops | AudiAnnotate, audio collections, Concordia University, GitHub, Jekyll, manifest, Montreal, Quebec, SpokenWeb, workshop
SESSION 1 (4 PM-5 PM EDT) Moderator: Michael O’Driscoll (U Alberta) Title: Dynamic Systems for Humanities Audio Collections: The Theory and Rationale of Swallow (25 Minutes) Presenters: Jason Camlot, Tomasz Neugebauer, Francisco Berrizbeitia (Concordia U) This paper approaches a system that has been designed, and continues to be in development, for the aggregation of metadata surrounding […]
Conferences | Annie Murray, audio collections, Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, Concordia University, conferences, Deanna Fong, Emily Murphy, Jason Camlot, Karis Shearer, Klara du Plessis, Liz Fisher, Mathieu Aubin, Metadata Management, Michael O’Driscoll, Montreal, Quebec, SpokenWeb, Tanya Clement, Yuliya Kondratenko
These sessions of the SSI are designed for student researchers to present ideas, experiences, and research they have been pursuing for feedback and discussion from members of the wider SpokenWeb network. Each presenter will talk for a maximum of five minutes and show a maximum of three slides. Following each “lightning talk,” we will open […]
Talk | Concordia University, lightning talk, Montreal, Quebec, SpokenWeb, SpokenWeb Team
For the past three months, Ian Ferrier, host for twenty years (and running) monthly Words and Music Show, and the 2019 SW Curator in Residence, has collaborated with Jason Camlot (Director of SpokenWeb) in running the online version of the Words and Music Show. While Words and Music usually takes a vacation in the month […]
Performances | Concordia University, Ian Ferrier, Jason Camlot, Montreal, musical performance, Quebec, SpokenWeb, The Words and Music Show, visual presentation
This all team meeting will function as a collaborative collection processing summit discussion at which we will pursue focused discussion of the approaches we have been taking to describing and processing our diverse audio collections with the SpokenWeb metadata schema and Swallow, the metadata management system. Discussion will focus on particular fields of description, including […]
Collections | audio collections, Collection, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, SpokenWeb, spokenweb collection
The first part of this workshop will introduce foundational concepts and methods from oral history. The workshop will then proceed into the presentation of clips, case-studies and scenarios for all-group discussion with the goals of 1. collaboratively defining a SpokenWeb Oral History protocol for engaging in interviews around collections of literary sound recordings, and 2. […]
Workshops | Collection, Concordia University, literary sound, Mathieu Aubin, Montreal, Oral History, oral literary history, Quebec, Samuel Mercier, SpokenWeb, Steven High, workshop
A weekly session for exploring and experimenting with different modes of listening. Each week our practice will be guided by an expert from SpokenWeb. What is listening? What are we listening for when we are listening? What are listening techniques for different disciplines? Join us, once or weekly, for Listening Practice. All are welcome!
Workshops | Anglophone Heritage Network, Chelsea Miya, Concordia University, Listening Practice, Montreal, Quebec, SpokenWeb, workshop, Writers Read
Following their listening practice session Lesbian Liberation Across Media: Listening to Video Felicity Tayler (Co-Applicant, U Ottawa) and Mathieu Aubin (PDF, Concordia) were inspired to move from watching and listening to clips, to the screening of full films. Join them for a screening and discussion of three films featuring the action, activism, and advocacy of […]
Workshops | Anglophone Heritage Network, Concordia University, Felicity Tayler, Listening Practic, Mathieu Aubin, Montreal, Ottawa University, Quebec, SpokenWeb, Writers Read
In the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, Concordia researchers Jason Camlot and Katherine McLeod co-produced “How are we listening, now? Signal, Noise, Silence” for The SpokenWeb Podcast series in order to document our reactions to the changes in our sonic environments during this time of social distancing and self-isolation. […]
Presentations, Talk | Alvaro Echánove, Anglophone Heritage Network, Aphrodite Salas, Concordia University, Jason Camlot, Katherine McLeod, Klara du Plessis, Marlene Oeffinger, Montreal, Oana Avasilichioaei, Podcast, SpokenWeb, Stacey Copeland
A weekly session for exploring and experimenting with different modes of listening. Each week our practice will be guided by an expert from SpokenWeb. What is listening? What are we listening for when we are listening? What are listening techniques for different disciplines? Join us, once or weekly, for Listening Practice. All are welcome!
Workshops | Anglophone Heritage Network, Concordia University, David Seubert, Listening Practice, Montreal, Quebec, SpokenWeb, workshop, Writers Read