When: Monday, February 6, 2023 — One hour of listening followed by a 30 minute Q&A with producer Frances Grace Fyfe
Where: On Zoom | Register in advance for this meeting: https://sfu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYodu6urj0uGtfdygRXrz94c_PFz3Ku24mt
We're holding a Listening Party and Zoom Q&A for the fourth episode of Season 4 of The SpokenWeb Podcast: "Genuine Conversation" by Frances Grace Fyfe, an MA student at Concordia University and a Research Assistant with SpokenWeb.
These Listening Parties are a wonderful opportunity to listen together collectively and hear from the producers themselves about the making and content of their episodes. We'll begin with listening to the newest episode together on Zoom at 12 PM PT/3PM ET, and at 1PM PT/4PM ET we'll have a virtual Q&A with producer Frances Grace Fyfe. Feel free to join us for the listening at 12PM PT, or listen on your own device separately and hop in for the Q&A at at 1PM PT. Follow us at @SpokenWebCanada and use the hashtag #SpokenWebPod to join the conversation: what moments jump out to you?
About the episode:
What makes a genuine conversation? And why is it so difficult to have one? Frances Grace Fyfe is on a quest to find out. This madcap talk therapy session has the SpokenWeb RA consider the literary concept of the dialogue, the verbatim transcription of speech in writing (through an exploration of—what else?—Charles Dickens’s early forays in court stenography), especially "expressive" phonemes, and david antin’s experimental talk poems of the 1970s. An investigative journalist, a peer supporter, and one especially sincere friend weigh in to help FG orchestrate the most genuine conversation of all: one that’s scripted, recorded, and edited for distribution in podcast form.