Two years ago today, Klara du Plessis and Deanna Fong participated in the event Listen Deep: Poetry, Sound and Multitudinous Remix, curated by Margaret Christakos and hosted at the University of Toronto on 8 March 2019. What follows is a brief description of the event’s activities, and then a transcription of a conversation that they had shortly after the event.
Retrospective Resonance on Listen Deep: Poetry, Sound and Multitudinous Remix (Post)
Article, SPOKENWEBLOG | Anne Bourne, Canisia Lubrin, Charlie Petch, Deanna Fong, Deep Curation, Donia Mounsef, Klara du Plessis, library, Margaret Christakos, Moez Surani, Oana Avasilichioaei, performance, Sachiko Murakami, script, transcription, University of Toronto