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Listening Practice Guided by Jason Camlot – First Thoughts on Timbre — Jan 22, 2020 (Events)

Montreal, QC - Concordia University - Richler Library, LB 655

A weekly session for exploring and experimenting with different modes of listening. Each week our practice will be guided by an expert from SpokenWeb. What is listening? What are we listening for when we are listening? What are listening techniques for different disciplines? Join us, once or weekly, for Listening Practice. All are welcome!

Workshops | , , , , , , ,

Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Alberta (Post)


We invite applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship valued at $45,000 per year (plus benefits) in the area of audio data processing, archiving, and curation. The Fellowship will commence July 1, 2020, and will contribute to a multidisciplinary team as part of the national SpokenWeb project, a SSHRC-funded Partnership Grant. Reporting to Professor Michael O’Driscoll, […]

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Call for Research Creation Proposals (Post)


SpokenWeb is inviting Concordia students to submit a proposal for a research creation project to be presented at Performing Technology on November 14, 2019.  Presented by SpokenWeb, Performing Technology will be a two-part event with performances and a panel discussion. It will be an investigation into the electroacoustic tools and methods that poets and sound-artists use to manipulate and create […]

Opportunities | ,

Deep Curation: Experiments in Poetry Reading Curation — Nov 07, 2019 (Events)

Montreal, QC - Concordia University - 4th Space

This series of events are organized in partnership with SpokenWeb, Writers Read, and the Mile End Poets’ Festival. Opening with a panel discussion on literary event curation, this event will feature Margaret Christakos, Deanna Radford, Danielle St. Amour and Jason Camlot, facilitated by Klara du Plessis. It will focus on different contemporary and historical strategies […]

Performances, Workshops | , , , , , , ,