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Daryl Hine reading “The Trout” / James Wright reading “A Blessing” (Post)


When listening to one recording from the SGW Poetry Series (1966-1974), it can be hard to hear its place amid the reading series as a whole. One can visualize its place on a list or on a calendar but it can be harder to sonically hear the seriality itself, except when someone on the recording, most often the host, refers to the previous or following reading. For this Audio of the Week, as we near the end of 2019, I have selected two clips from December readings in which there are announcements for the next readings in January.

Audio of the week, ShortCuts, SPOKENWEBLOG | , , ,

Daryl Hine reading “Point Grey” (Post)


As I listened to December readings from various years in the SGW Poetry Series – to mark the end of this year, 2019 – I started exploring the reading by Daryl Hine. At first, I considered selecting his reading of the final poem, “The Trout,” but then I noticed something else: a note for one timestamp (00:42:19) indicating that Hine introduced and read “an unknown poem.” As I listened to his introduction, I realized that he was preparing the audience for the now-famous poem “Point Grey,” which, at the time of this reading, was not published. In fact, the introducer of Hine at the start of the reading mentioned that Minutes, the collection that contained “Point Grey,” would be published in 1968.

Audio of the week, ShortCuts, SPOKENWEBLOG | , , ,

Virtual Listening Practice Guided by Katherine McLeod – Listening to Gendered Voices — Apr 08, 2020 (Events)

Virtual Participation - https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/j/488323124

A weekly session for exploring and experimenting with different modes of listening. Each week our practice will be guided by an expert from SpokenWeb. What is listening? What are we listening for when we are listening? What are listening techniques for different disciplines? Join us, once or weekly, for Listening Practice. All are welcome!

Workshops | , , , , , , ,

Daphne Marlatt reading “Lagoon” (Post)


Daphne Marlatt starts her reading with poems from Vancouver Poems (1972), a deeply local collection that she had not yet published when this reading took place at Sir George Williams University (now Concordia) in Montreal. She tells the audience that she will explain the local references as she goes along, starting with the first poem that refers to Lost Lagoon in Vancouver’s Stanley Park. What Marlatt could not have anticipated is that the poems would become pathways to revisit the city when republishing many of them years later in Liquidities: Vancouver Poems Then and Now (2013).

Audio of the week, ShortCuts, SPOKENWEBLOG | , , ,

Listening Practice Guided by Klara du Plessis and Katherine McLeod – Listening to Podcasts — Nov 27, 2019 (Events)

Montreal - Concordia University - Richler Room, LB-655

A weekly session for exploring and experimenting with different modes of listening. Each week our practice will be guided by an expert from SpokenWeb. What is listening? What are we listening for when we are listening? What are listening techniques for different disciplines? Join us, once or weekly, for Listening Practice. All are welcome!

Workshops | , , , , , ,

SpokenWeb Outreach Tables at the AELAQ Book Fair — Nov 30, 2019 (Events)

Montreal - Concordia University - LB Building, Mezzanine

Curious about what SpokenWeb is, who’s involved, and what we have planned for the year ahead? Thinking of collaborating with us or maybe just attending one of our events? Our student team would love for you to stop by our table to have a chat, share some treats. Find out how you can get involved […]

Workshops | , , , , , , , , ,

SpokenWeb Open House — Oct 20, 2019 (Events)

Montreal - Concordia University - Hall Building

Curious about what SpokenWeb is, who’s involved, and what we have planned for the year ahead? Thinking of collaborating with us or maybe just attending one of our events? Our student team would love for you to stop by our table to have a chat, share some treats. Find out how you can get involved […]

Workshops | , , , , , , ,

SpokenWeb Outreach Tables at the AELAQ Book Fair — Dec 01, 2019 (Events)

Montreal - Concordia University - LB Building, Mezzanine

Curious about what SpokenWeb is, who’s involved, and what we have planned for the year ahead? Thinking of collaborating with us or maybe just attending one of our events? Our student team would love for you to stop by our table to have a chat, share some treats. Find out how you can get involved […]

Workshops | , , , , , , , , ,

SpokenWeb Outreach Tables — Nov 19, 2019 (Events)

Montreal - Concordia University - Hall Building, , Mezzanine

Curious about what SpokenWeb is, who’s involved, and what we have planned for the year ahead? Thinking of collaborating with us or maybe just attending one of our events? Our student team would love for you to stop by our table to have a chat, play some audio trivia, and maybe even record some poetry […]

Workshops | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Earle Birney asks George Bowering for a glass of water (Post)


After reading for about eleven minutes, Earle Birney pauses to ask if there is any water to drink. There is a glass and a pitcher (audibly present) but nearly empty, and thus the evening’s host George Bowering heads out into the hallway to find Birney a cold beverage. This interlude of extra-poetic speech reveals that, despite it being mid-February, the room temperature feels more like summer and, more importantly, the humourous nature of the extra-poetic speech attunes the listener to the sociality as well as to the poetry.

Audio of the week, ShortCuts, SPOKENWEBLOG | , , ,