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Ask Brian McFee #2: Working With Multitrack Audio Collections (Post)


Dear Brian,  So, I hear you’re the data expert? Well, I’ve got a conundrum for you. As an RA for SpokenWeb, we’re often working with disorganized, unlabelled, and sometimes incomplete archival collections. Take, for instance, the Alan Lord Collection we are currently working on. For context, this collection includes AV materials from Ultimatum [1] and […]

Article, SPOKENWEBLOG | , , , , , , , ,

Audio Engineer / Sound Designer, The SpokenWeb Podcast – 1 RA Position (Post)


SpokenWeb – a SSHRC funded Partnership Grant, Principal Investigator Jason Camlot – is seeking two (2) undergraduate students to support our work discovering and describing literary events that took place across Canada between March 2020 and now for the Archive of the Digital Present project.

Opportunities | , , , , , , ,