Members of the SpokenWeb research partnership mourn the loss of our brilliant colleague, collaborator, and friend, Jonathan Sterne. Jonathan’s scholarship and leadership in the field of sound studies, his joyful energy as a collaborator with colleagues, students and practitioners across disciplines, and his tireless ability to observe, analyze, and find wonder in myriad phenomena have helped shape the directions and tone of our network’s endeavours for over a decade. His influence will continue even as his presence among us will be greatly missed.
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The Listener and the Machine, an interview with Mara Mills and Jonathan Sterne (Post)
Read and listen to Mara Mills and Jonathan Sterne, in conversation with Mathieu Aubin and Katherine McLeod, discussing their recent publication, “Aural Speed-Reading: Some Historical Bookmarks,” PMLA 135.2 (2020). Mara Mills and Jonathan Sterne are plenary speakers at the SpokenWeb symposium, Listening, Sound, Agency (May 18-23, 2021).
Interviews, SPOKENWEBLOG | Jonathan Sterne, Listening-Sound-Agency, Mara Mills, Plenary