Michael Sinatra, CRIHN director, invites you to the fourth annual Stéfan Sinclair-CRIHN lecture on Monday 2 December 2024 @ 9am at Concordia University.
Named in honour of Stéfan Sinclair, one of the founders of our Centre in 2013, this conference will feature a keynote delivered by Isabel Pedersen entitled « Create Me, Break Me, Remember Me: Art and AI in an Age of Reinvention » . Based at the Ontario Tech University, Dr. Isabel Pedersen focuses on embodied computing, algorithmic culture, augmented reality, emergent media, and AI ethics.
Her talk will be followed by a round-table chaired by Geoffrey Rockwell (University of Alberta) with two graduate students, Corina MacDonald (Concordia University) and Alice Truc (Université de Montréal) presenting their research.