
We invite applicants for a one-year postdoctoral fellow to explore SFU’s extensive holdings on the theme of the multimedia archive. The aim of this fellowship is to promote critical and creative responses to SFU SpokenWeb’s rich literary audio archive—one of the largest collections in Canada—and to investigate the connections between this audio archive and the Library’s holdings in rare and fine books, manuscripts, and other media, as well as connections between other literary audio collections. The fellow will be based the Department of English and will work under the co-supervision of Professors Michelle Levy and Stephen Collis. The fellow will join the SSHRC-funded SpokenWeb partnership, a project that has spent the last five years coordinating the discovery, digitization, description, and study of literary audio. Our partnership holds a diverse collection of literary sound recordings from across Canada and beyond and has engaged in a range of scholarly and creative outputs.

Applicants are encouraged to learn more about the project by consulting https://spokenweb.ca and about SFU’s archival audio collections at https://www.lib.sfu.ca/about/branches-depts/special-collections/exhibits-projects/spokenweb.

This postdoctoral fellowship aims to engage an emerging scholar whose research and/or creative practices are at the intersection of multiple fields, including Sound Studies, Literary Studies, Book History, Digital Humanities, Digital Media, Gender Studies, and Archival Studies.

The position comprises 60% collaborative research, supervision, and research administration work toward the SpokenWeb project at SFU. These responsibilities will include activities such as:

  • Supervising research assistants to document and conduct research with SFU SpokenWeb’s literary audio collections.
  • Designing materials for SpokenWeb to support academic and public engagement with relevant collections.
  • Developing workshops and training modules for creative and critical remediation of literary audio.
  • Creating exhibits and organizing events to showcase the relevant collections of SFU SpokenWeb.
  • Actively participating in the SpokenWeb partnership, including attendance at and participation in the annual symposium and sound institute.
  • Developing podcasts for SpokenWeb, and other research outputs including articles, exhibits and research creation.
  • 40% of the position comprises the fellow’s individual literary audio research project outlined in their letter of intent.

In their letter of intent, applicants are encouraged to address how their proposed research can intersect with and support the SpokenWeb project (such as the recent special issue of English Studies in Canada on “New Sonic Approaches in Literary Studies,” and the SpokenWeb podcast), as well how their work will engage with specific SFU collections.


Value: $60,000 / year (plus statutory benefits). Postdoctoral Fellows will be eligible to apply for funding to support conference travel and events from the Department of English.

Duration: One year

Start Date: September 1, 2024 (negotiable)

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must have completed their PhD in the past five years (no earlier than June 30, 2019) and must have their PhD in hand no later than June 30, 2024.

Qualifications: The postdoctoral fellow will hold a PhD in one of the fields above or a cognate field relevant to the research program description and a record of publication demonstrating an active engagement with research and/or research-creation. The fellow will have an interest in the exploration and development of literary audio and archival studies.

Application Process: Interested applicants should submit the following materials to Michelle Levy (michelle_levy@sfu.ca) and Stephen Collis (stephen_collis@sfu.ca):

  • C.V.
  • Letter of Intent (no more than 3 pages). The Letter should describe the applicant’s individual research project, professional goals, relevant experience, and contributions they foresee making to the collaborative SpokenWeb project at SFU.
  • 2 reference letters with subject line “REFERENCE SpokenWeb Postdoc Fellowship.”

Finalists will be interviewed by a committee consisting of the co-supervisors and members of the SpokenWeb network in late July 2024.

Questions regarding the position can be directed to Michelle Levy (michelle_levy@sfu.ca).


Deadline: Review of applications will begin on July 15, 2024 and continue until the position is filled. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. If suitable Canadian citizens or permanent residents cannot be found, other individuals will be considered

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