
ACCUTE Coordinator

Posted On: April 26th, 2024

Deadline: May 17th, 2024


Position Context

The incoming leadership team of ACCUTE (The Associate of Canadian College and University Teachers of English) will be based in the English Department at Concordia University with Prof. Jason Camlot serving as President and Prof. Cynthia Quarrie as Vice-President, for the period of July 2024 – June 2026.

ACCUTE is the largest scholarly and professional association of literary studies in Canada and works to facilitate the dissemination and exchange of research and the exploration of professional structures and practices through a wide range of organized projects, actions, and activities.

Among the key ongoing projects of ACCUTE are: the organization of a major annual conference, the publication of a quarterly professional newsletter (The Angle) and blog (English Matters), the quarterly publication of ESC: English Studies in Canada – Canada’s leading generalist journal on literature, language, culture and theory, and the coordination of a wide number of caucuses in literary studies and creative writing, and collaborations with cognate scholarly associations.


Who We’re Looking For

The incoming President and VP are pleased to advertise two student RA positions to fill out its leadership team:

Position 1: ACCUTE Coordinator

Position 2: ACCUTE Coordination and Communications Assistant.


This posting is for ACCUTE Coordination and Communications Assistant.


We are looking for someone to help create and coordinate content for our website and social media platforms, and to help ACCUTE constituents tell and share stories about their work, academic, creative, or otherwise.

We are looking for someone who has very strong communication skills across diverse media platforms – bilingualism is a plus – and who enjoys connecting with folks across a diverse range of study areas and institutions. Previous experience working with social media and publishing content online (e.g., via WordPress) will be an asset. The ability to generate copy and stories that connect folks across academic or other fields will be an asset. Experience with event planning and management will be useful for a successful candidate to have in supporting ACCUTE’s annual conference planning and execution.

The work will be well suited for someone who feels comfortable working by themselves, but who also enjoys connecting virtually with a diverse cohort of academics, scholars, teachers, writers, and students.

This position will be supervised by Jason Camlot and Cynthia Quarrie.


Description of Job Duties

Primary responsibilities of the position would be as follows:

  • Assisting in the production of the quarterly ACCUTE newsletter, including soliciting articles, vetting creative writing submissions, pitching/coordinating features and series
  • Assisting in creating and updating content of the ACCUTE website
  • Collaborating on the regular production of social media content (Twitter, Facebook, depending on the needs and skills of the administrative team)
  • Assisting in the organization and running of the annual ACCUTE conference



Familiarity with WordPress, Canva, social media platforms (Facebook, X, Instagram), online meeting spaces (Zoom, Teams), and standard office software (Microsoft, Outlook, Google Drive, Docs, etc.) would be an asset, as is the ability to learn new programs quickly.


Salary & Eligibility

Position open to any Concordia University English / Creative Writing student in good standing (undergraduate, MA, or PhD). Salary 10-15k per annum. Hours to be determined in accordance with skills and duties. Rate to be determined by the Collective Agreement.





How to Apply

Please use the title of the position you have applied for in the subject header.


  1. Statement of Interest, including information about relevant experience, and
  2. CV

to Ben Hynes at ben.hynes@concordia.ca.

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