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“these kinds of playful things”: (Dis)connection in Online Pandemic Performance Poetry (Post)


On July 6, 2021, the Poets Corner Reading Series held an event on Zoom featuring poets Ian Williams and Jane Munro hosted by Adrienne Drobnies. After Drobnies reads Williams’s bio, Williams says, “Muted now how about now can you hear me now? I still can’t see you, only your name. Your voice is breaking up” (“Jane […]

Article, SPOKENWEBLOG | , , , , ,

Long Literary COVID: How has the pandemic changed our literary practices and communities? — Oct 04, 2022 (Events)

Virtual Participation - Concordia University - 4th Space - Virtual. Please register via link provided to get virtual access.

This opening panel of the NOTA: Writing Futures in Quebec conference will feature data collected for the Archive of the Digital Present: Pandemic Period SSHRC Insight Development Grant project, in dialogue with literary organizers located in Montreal.

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Concordia Library Research Forum Talk: The Development of a Browse and Search Interface for Metadata About Online Literary Performance in Canada During the Pandemic Period. — Apr 26, 2022 (Events)

Virtual Participation - Concordia University - Conference Information Below

A team of SpokenWeb members, listed below, will describe their process and methodology in the development of the parallel project, The Archive of the Digital Present at Concordia’s annual Library Research Forum.

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