

Browse publications by members of the SpokenWeb team.


Books and Edited Volumes

Betts, Gregory. Finding Nothing: The VanGardes, 1959-1975. U of Toronto P, 2021.

Allen, Barney. They Have Bodies: A Realistic Novel in Five Acts. Edited and with an introduction by Gregory Betts, U of Ottawa P, 2020.

Betts, Gregory, and Christian Bök, editors. Avant Canada: Artists, Prophets, Revolutionaries. Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2019.

Betts, Gregory. Foundry. RedFoxPress, 2021.

Betts, Gregory. Sweet Forme: Shake-Speare’s Perfect Sonnets. Apothecary P, 2020.

Betts, Gregory. Blew Candle. Semanti$ Pr, 2021.

Betts, Gregory. What Fuckan Birthday: An Envelopthology for bill bissett. Semanti$ P, 2019.

Betts, Gregory. Here Comes Everybody: An Instanthology. Semanti$ P, 2019.

Betts, Gregory. PresynapsiS: A Dendrite of Early CDN Visual Poetry. No P, 2018.

Camlot, Jason, and Katherine McLeod, editors. CanLit Across Media: Unarchiving the Literary Event. McGill-Queen’s UP, 2019.

Camlot, Jason. Phonopoetics: The Making of Early Literary Recordings. Stanford UP, 2019.

Camlot, Jason, Martha Langford, and Linda Morra, editors. Collection Thinking: Within and Without Libraries, Archives and Museums. Routledge, 2022.

Camlot, Jason, and Jeffrey Weingarten, editors. Unpacking the Personal Library: The Public and Private Life of Books. Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2022.

Camlot, Jason. Vlarf: Poems. McGill-Queen’s UP, 2021.

McLeod, Katherine, and Jason Camlot, editors. CanLit Across Media: Unarchiving the Literary Event. McGill-Queen’s UP, 2019.

Hindmarch, Gladys. Wanting Everything: The Collected Works of Gladys Hindmarch. Edited by Deanna Fong and Karis Shearer, Talonbooks, 2020.

McFee, Brian. Fundamentals of Digital Signals Theory. CRC P, 2021.

Copeland, Stacey, and Hannah McGregor. A Guide to Academic Podcasting. The Amplify Podcast Network and Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2021.

Jackson, Amy, and Sean Luyk. Music Research Data Management: A Guide for Librarians. A-R Editions, 2020.

Miya, Carmen, Olivier Rossier, and Geoffrey Rockwell, editors. Right Research: Modelling Sustainable Research Practices in the Anthropocene. Open Book Publishers, 2021.

Hindmarch, Gladys. Wanting Everything: The Collected Works of Gladys Hindmarch. Edited by Deanna Fong and Karis Shearer, Talonbooks, 2020.

Hammond, Adam, editor. Cambridge Critical Concepts: Technology and Literature. Cambridge UP, 2021.

Frost, Rebecca, Matthew K. Gold, Katherine D. Harris, and Jentery Sayers, editors. Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Concepts, Models, and Experiments. Modern Language Association, 2020.

Camlot, Jason. Phonopoetics: The Making of Early Literary Recordings, Stanford University Press 2019. ISBN: 9781503605213

Refereed Articles and Contributions

Betts, Gregory. “Introduction.” The Tangled Miracle. By Bertram Brooker, Invisible Publishing, 2021.

Betts, Gregory. “Supra Legem Interruptio: Losing Louis Riel (and his Interruptive Return.” On the Other Side(s) of 150: Untold Stories and Critical Approaches to History, Literature, and Identity in Canada, edited by Linda M. Morra and Sarah Henzi, Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2021, pp. 256-70.

Betts, Gregory. “‘Saga Uv Th Relees Uv Huuman Spirit from Compuewterr Funckshuns’: Space Conquest, IBM, and the Anti-Digital Anxiety of Early Canadian Digital Poetics (1960-1968).” Future Horizons: Canadian Digital Humanities, edited by Paul Barrett and Sarah Roger, DGO-Digital original, University of Ottawa Press, 2023, pp. 161–80.

Betts, Gregory. “Is it Really Revolting? Towards an Ethics of Loss in the Canadian Avant-garde.” Forthcoming(accepted into a collection that is pending peer-review).

Betts, Gregory. “Pounding the Concrete: A Short Note on Nomadic Scholarship.” Paideuma, vol. 45, 2021, pp. 13-17.

Camlot, Jason. “Archival Spectres and Formats of the Event: The Foster Poetry Conference, 1963.” CanLit Across Media: Unarchiving the Literary Event, edited by Jason Camlot and Katherine McLeod, McGill-Queens University Press, 2019, pp. 141-64.

Camlot, Jason. “Media Affordances of Literary Audio.” Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Sound Studies, edited by Julian Murphet and Helen Groth, forthcoming 2022.

du Plessis, Klara. “Stop Words.” Future Horizons: Canadian Digital Humanities, edited by Paul Barrett and Sarah Roger, U of Ottawa P, 2023.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Listening to LGBTQ2+ Communities at the Lesbian Liberation Across Media Watch Party.” Resistant Practices in Communities of Sound, edited by Deanna Fong and Cole Mash, McGill-Queen’s UP, 2024.

McLeod, Katherine. “Sounding Digital Humanities.” Future Horizons: Canadian Digital Humanities, edited by Paul Barrett and Sarah Roger, U of Ottawa P, 2023.

McLeod, Katherine. “Audible Collections: What Remains of Voices on the Radio.” Collection Thinking: Within and Without Libraries, Archives and Museums, edited by Jason Camlot, Martha Langford, and Linda M. Morra, Routledge, 2022.

McLeod, Katherine. “Listening to the Archives of Phyllis Webb.” Moving Archives, edited by Linda Morra, Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2020, pp. 113-31.

McLeod, Katherine. “Poetry on TV: Unarchiving Phyllis Webb’s CBC-TV Program Extension (1967).” CanLit Across Media: Unarchiving the Literary Event, edited by Jason Camlot and Katherine McLeod, McGill-Queen’s UP, 2019, pp. 72-91.

McFee, Brian, Markus Schedl, Peter Knees, and Dmitry Bogdanov. “Music Recommender Systems: Techniques, Use Cases, and Challenges.” Recommender Systems Handbook, edited by Francesco Ricci, Lior Rokach, and Bracha Shapira, 3rd ed., Springer, 2022, pp. 927–71.

McFee, Brian. “Statistical Methods for Scene and Event Classification.” Computational Analysis of Sound Scenes and Events, edited by T. Virtanen, M. Plumbley, and D. Ellis, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 103–46.

De Forest, H., Dowson, Rebecca, Moore, A. J., and White, N. “The Research Commons: Transforming the Graduate Experience Through Interdisciplinary Programming and Collaboration.” Academic Library Services for Graduate Students: Supporting Future Academics and Professionals, edited by C. Forbes and P. Keeran, Libraries Unlimited, 2020.

Rockwell, Geoffrey, and Rossier. “Greening Academic Gatherings: A Case Study for Econferences.” Right Research: Modelling Sustainable Research Practices in the Anthropocene, Open Book Publishers, 2021.

Rockwell, Geoffrey, Vela, S., Cerrato, L. M., Ilovan, M., and S. Ruecker. “The Interface of the Digital Library: The Perseus Digital Library as a Case Study.” Minds Alive: Libraries and Archives Now, edited by P. Demers and A. Samek, U of Toronto P, 2020, pp. 101-17.

Sinclair, Stéfan, and Geoffrey Rockwell. “Python for Literary Analysis.” Digital Humanities for Literary Studies: Methods, Tools, and Practices, edited by James O’Sullivan, Pennsylvania State UP, forthcoming.

Shearer, Karis. “‘It’s All a Curious Dream’: Nostalgia, Old Media, and the Vancouver Poetry Conference, 1963.” Un-Archiving the Literary Event: CanLit Across Media, edited by Jason Camlot and Katherine McLeod, McGill-Queen’s UP, 2019, pp. 165-82.

MacArthur, Marit, and Lee M. Miller. “Slow Listening: Digital Voice Studies and Literary Recordings.” The Cambridge Companion to Literature in the Digital Age, edited by Adam Hammond, Cambridge UP, 2021.

Tayler, Felicity. “Finding Fireweed: Magazine Metadata as Archive of Feminist Movement.” Collection Thinking, edited by Jason Camlot and Martha Langford, Routledge, 2022.

Tayler, Felicity. “Linguistic Therapy c. 1973: Archival Traces from Véhicule’s Press.” CanLit Across Media: Un-Archiving the Literary Event, edited by Jason Camlot and Katherine McLeod, McGill-Queen’s UP, 2019, pp. 183-204.

Camlot, Jason. “The First Phonogramic Poem: Conceptions of Genre and Media Format, circa 1888.” BRANCH: Britain, Representation and Nineteenth-Century History, edited by Dino Franco Felluga, Extension of Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, Mar. 2020.

High, Steven. “Listening Across Difference: Oral History as Learning Landscape.” Learning Landscapes, vol. 11, no. 2, 2018, pp. 39–48.

Kinnaird, Katherine M., and Brian McFee. “Automatic Hierarchy Expansion for Improved Structure and Chord Evaluation.” Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, vol. 4, no. 1, 2021, pp. 81–92.

Kinnaird, Katherine M., Brian McFee, and M. Müller. “Interactive Learning of Signal Processing Through Music.” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2021.

Nieto, O., G. J. Mysore, C. Wang, J. B. L. Smith, J. Schlüter, T. Grill, and Brian McFee. “Audio-Based Music Structure Analysis: Current Trends, Open Challenges, and Applications.” Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 2020.

Huppenkothen, D., B. McFee, and L. Norén. “Entrofy Your Cohort: A Transparent Method for Diverse Cohort Selection.” PLOS ONE, 2020.

McFee, Brian, J. W. Kim, M. Cartwright, J. Salamon, R. M. Bittner, and J. P. Bello. “Open-Source Practices for Music Signal Processing Research: Recommendations for Transparent, Sustainable, and Reproducible Audio Research.” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 36, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 128–137.

Hilburger, C., D. Langille, M. Nelson, A. Bordini, J. A. Greenhill, Rebecca Dowson, and L. Goddard. “Collaborating with GLAM Institutions.” Digital Studies/le Champ Numérique, vol. 11, no. 1, 2021.

Zerkee, J., A. J. Moore, K. Shuttleworth, Rebecca Dowson, and G. Bird. “Promoting a Culture of Openness: Institutional Open Access Policy Development and Review at a Canadian University.” Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, vol. 16, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1–23.

Revitt, Eva, and Sean Luyk. “The Role of Library Councils in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study.” Canadian Journal of Higher Education, vol. 49, no. 1, 2019.

Doi, Carolyn, and Sean Luyk. “Sounds of Home: A Survey of Local Music Collection Management Practices in Canadian Libraries.” CAML Review, vol. 46, no. 3, 2019.

Sinclair, S., and Geoffrey Rockwell. “Visualization.” Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Concepts, Models, and Experiments, edited by Rebecca Frost Davis, Matthew K. Gold, Katherine D. Harris, and Jentery Sayers, Modern Language Association, 2020.

Suomela, T., F. Chee, B. Berendt, and Geoffrey Rockwell. “Applying an Ethics of Care to Internet Research: Gamergate and Digital Humanities.” Digital Studies/le Champ Numérique, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1–23.

Mitchell, Marjorie. “In and Out of the Rabbit Hole: Unpacking the Research Proposal.” Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, vol. 12, no. 2, 2017, pp. 65.

Macarthur, Marit. “Poetry Programming in the National Association of Educational Broadcasting Collection.” Virtual Exhibit in Unlocking the Airwaves: Revitalizing an Early Public and Educational Radio Collection, 2021.

Macarthur, Marit, and Lee M. Miller. “Slow Listening: Digital Tools for Voice Studies.” Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol. 17, no. 2, 2023.

Clement, Tanya, Ben Brumfield, and Sara Brumfield. “The AudiAnnotate Project: Four Case Studies in Publishing Annotations for Audio and Video.” DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 2, 2022.

Clement, Tanya, and E. Fischer. “From the Middle Ages to the Open Web, Theorizing Audiation with Audio Annotation.” Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol. 15, no. 1, 2021.

Chan, Tiffany, Mara Mills, and Jentery Sayers. “Optophonic Reading, Prototyping Optophones.” Amodern, 2018.

Chan, Tiffany, and Jentery Sayers. “Minimal Computing from the Labor Perspective.” DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 2, 2022.

McFee, Brian, Jeffrey Tumminia, Amanda Kuznecov, Sophia Tsilerides, Ilana Weinstein, Brian McFee, Michael Picheny, and Aaron R. Kaufman. “Diarization of Legal Proceedings: Identifying and Transcribing Judicial Speech From Recorded Court Audio.” CoRR, abs/2104.01304, 2021.

Betts, Gregory and Lucy Collins, editors. A Special Issue on “New Trans-Atlantic Dialogues.” Belfield Literary Review, vol. 1, July 2021.

Betts, Gregory. Canadian Literature. A Special Issue on “The Concept of Vancouver”. Co-edited by Julia Polyck-O’Neill, no. 235, Winter 2017.

Povitz, Lana Dee, and Steven High, editors. “Activist Lives: Social Movements, Oral History and Biography”, special issue of Social History/Histoire sociale, vol. 53, no. 108, 2020.

Wiens, Jason. English Studies in Canada. Pedagogies of the Archive, vol. 44, no. 2, June 2018, pp. 1-124.

Camlot, Jason. “Phonographs.” Cambridge Critical Concepts: Technology and Literature, edited by Adam Hammond, Cambridge UP, 2023, pp. 269–85.

Camlot, Jason, and Katherine McLeod. “Pandemic Listening: Critical Annotations on a Podcast Made in Social Isolation.” Canadian Literature, vol. 245, 2021, pp. 67-87.

Camlot, Jason. “Robert Creeley in Transition 1967/1970: Changing Formats for the Public Poetry Reading.” English Studies in Canada (ESC), vol. 43, no. 2–3, June/December 2017, pp. 215–45.

Camlot, Jason. “Hearing Trilby: A Phonographic Reading of Sonic Nostalgia.” Victorian Review, vol. 47, no. 2, 2021, pp. 203-24.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Gay in Our Time: The Queer History of Vancouver’s Writing in Our Time Series.” Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 56, no. 1, 2022, pp. 146-74.

Barker, Sadie. “The Quest for Interpretive Agency: Zoomxiety in the Realm of Literature.” Canadian Literature, no. 245, 2021, pp. 166–74.

High, Steven. “Oral History as Creative Practice at Concordia University’s Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling.” Sonorités, vol. 47, 2021.

Mills, Alexandra, Désirée Rochat, and Steven High. “Telling Stories from Montreal’s Negro Community Centre Fonds: The Archives as Community-Engaged Classroom.” Archivaria, no. 89, Spring 2020, pp. 34–67.

Burnham, Clint. “The Plague of Orientalism: Reading Kevin Chong in the Pandemic.” Canadian Literature, no. 245, 2021, pp. 128–49.

Luyk, Sean, and Carolyn Doi. “Local Music Collectors in Cultural Heritage Organizations: Finding Joy Through Occupational Devotion.” Library Trends, vol. 70, no. 4, 574-91, 2022.

Van Dyke, Leah. “Access and Public-Facing Pedagogy in Digital Archival Production.” English Studies in Canada, vol. 44, no. 2, University of Alberta Press/ACCUTE, January 2020, pp. 37–51.

Clement, Tanya. “Anne Sexton Listening to Anne Sexton.” PMLA, vol. 135, no. 2, March 2020, pp. 387–92.

Camlot, Jason. “Robert Creeley in Transition 1967/1970: Changing Formats for the Public Poetry Reading,English Studies in Canada (ESC)2-3 (June/December 2017): 215-245.

Camlot, Jason. “The Foster Poetry Conference, 1963.” Littérature Québécoise: Voix et Images 40.2 (hiver 2015): 59-75.

Non-Refereed Contributions

Camlot, Jason and Katherine McLeod. “Montreal Double Launch: CanLit Across Media & Home Feelings.” Librairie Paragraphe Bookstore, Montreal, QC, 20 Feb. 2020.

Sallam, Nour and Karis Shearer. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #6: SoundBox Signals Presents ‘Is That Me?’” 2 Mar. 2020.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 3 Mar. 2020.

McGregor, Hannah. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #7: The Voice Is Intact – Finding Gwendolyn MacEwen in the Archive.” 6 Apr. 2020.

Camlot, Jason and Katherine McLeod. “Virtual SpokenWeb Podcast Listening Party.” Virtual Participation, 4 May 2020.

Camlot, Jason and Katherine McLeod. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #8: How Are We Listening, Now? Signal, Noise, Silence.” Virtual Event, 4 May 2020.

Mcgregor, Hannah. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #9: Producing Queer Media.” 1 June 2020.

Nour, Sallam and Karis Shearer. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #10: SoundBox Signals Presents ‘Is Robin Here?’” 6 July 2020.

Barillaro, Ali, Jason Camlot, Sadie Barker, and Emma Telaro. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #11: Ideas Have Feelings, Too – Voice, Feeling, and Rhetoric in Podcasting.” 3 Aug. 2020.

Camlot, Jason and Katherine McLeod. “Virtual Book Launch: CanLit Across Media: Unarchiving the Literary Event.” Virtual Conversation, 12 Nov. 2020.

SpokenWeb Network. “SpokenWeb All Team Meeting with a Focus on Swallow.” Virtual Meeting, 18 Dec. 2020.

Camlot, Jason, and Hannah McGregor, Dario Llinares, Elena Razlogova, Kim Fox, Stacey Copeland, Michael O’Driscoll, and Deanna Fong. “Podcasting as a Field of Critical Study.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, Aug. 2021.

“Cylinder Talks: Pedagogy in Literary Sound Studies.” Co-written and produced by Jason Camlot and Stacey Copeland. SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 1 Feb. 2021.

“Deep Curation: Experimenting with the Poetry Reading as Practice.” Written by Klara Du Plessis, produced by Jason Camlot. SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 5 Oct. 2020.

“Ideas Have Feelings Too: Voice, Feeling, and Rhetoric in Podcasting.” Co-written and produced by Jason Camlot, Ali Barillaro, Sadie Barker, and Emma Telaro. SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 3 Aug. 2020.

“How Are We Listening Now? Signal, Noise, Silence.” Co-written and produced by Jason Camlot and Katherine McLeod. SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 4 May 2020.

“Sound Recordings Are Weird.” Written by Jason Camlot, co-produced by Jason Camlot and Cheryl Gladu. SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 4 Nov. 2019.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Is That Me?” SoundBox Signals Podcast, Season 1, Episode 1. SpokenWeb, 2020.

“Stories of SpokenWeb.” Produced by Cheryl Gladu and Katherine McLeod. The SpokenWeb Podcast, 3 Oct. 2019.

“ShortCuts 2.7: Moving, ft. archival audio of Phyllis Webb.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 19 Apr. 2021.

“ShortCuts 2.6: Listening Together, ft. archival audio of Margaret Avison.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 15 Mar. 2021.

“ShortCuts 2.5: Connections, ft. archival audio of Muriel Rukeyser.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 15 Feb. 2021.

“ShortCuts 2.4: You Are Here, ft. archival audio of Muriel Rukeyser.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 18 Jan. 2021.

“ShortCuts 2.3: Audible Time, ft. archival audio of Muriel Rukeyser.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 21 Dec. 2020.

“ShortCuts 2.2: The Poem Among Us, ft. archival audio of Muriel Rukeyser.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 16 Nov. 2020.

“ShortCuts 2.1: Introducing ShortCuts.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 19 Oct. 2020.

“ShortCuts 1.7: As Though Her Voice Was Dancing, ft. archival audio of Gwendolyn MacEwen.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, 20 July 2020.

“Ideas Have Feelings Too: The Affordances of Podcasting for Critical Expression.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, Aug. 2020.

“Sound Box Signals Presents – ‘Sharon Thesen’s Reading at the Bowerings’.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 1, Episode 3, 2 Dec. 2019.

“Virtual Pilgrimage: Where Medieval Meets Modern.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 1, Episode 4, 6 Jan. 2020.

“Invitation to Sonic Poetry: Listening to ‘The Wasteland’.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 1, Episode 5, 3 Feb. 2020.

“Sound Box Signals Presents – ‘Performing the Archive’.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 1, Episode 6, 2 Mar. 2020.

“Notes from the Underground: Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll at the Ultimatum Urban Poetry Festival.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 1, Episode 7, 6 Apr. 2020.

“How Are We Listening, Now? Signal, Noise, Silence.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 1, Episode 8, 4 May 2020.

“Deep Curation: Experimenting with the Poetry Reading as Practice.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 1, Episode 9, 1 June 2020.

“Cylinder Talks: Pedagogy in Literary Sound Studies.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 1, Episode 10, 6 July 2020.

“Podcasting as a Field of Critical Study.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 1, Episode 11, 3 Aug. 2020.

“ShortCuts 1.1: [Audio of the Month] Daryl Hine’s Point Grey.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 2, Episode 1, 21 Oct. 2019.

“ShortCuts 1.2: [Audio of the Month] Improvising at a Poetry Reading, ft. archival audio of Maxine Gadd.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 2, Episode 2, 18 Nov. 2019.

“ShortCuts 1.3: [Audio of the Month] Where Does the Reading Begin? ft. archival audio of Kaie Kellough.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 2, Episode 3, 16 Dec. 2019.

“ShortCuts 1.4: [Audio of the Month] Dorothy Livesay Listening to the Radio.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 2, Episode 4, 20 Jan. 2020.

“ShortCuts 1.5: [Audio of the Month] Then and Now, ft. archival audio of Daphne Marlatt.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 2, Episode 5, 17 Feb. 2020.

Radicals and Revolutionaries Lab. “Season 6, Episode 76.” 11 Apr. 2021.

Radio Survivor. “Episode 284: SpokenWeb and Literary Sound.” 9 Feb. 2021.

Radio Survivor. “Episode 275: Making Scholarly Podcasts Count.” 8 Dec. 2020.

New Aural Cultures. “In Conversation with Dr. Hannah McGregor.” 30 Sept. 2020.

The View from Venus. “Episode 6: Podcasting and Public Engagement with Hannah McGregor.” 5 Dec. 2019.

Levy, Michelle, Kate Moffatt, and Kandice Sharren. “Mavis Gallant Reads ‘Grippes and Poche’ at SFU.” SpokenWeb Podcast, 1 Mar. 2021.

Levy, Michelle, Kate Moffatt, and Kandice Sharren. “Mavis Gallant, Part 2: The ‘Paratexts’ of ‘Grippes and Poche’ at SFU.” SpokenWeb Podcast, 7 June 2021.

“Listening Ethically to the Spoken Word.” SpokenWeb Podcast Series, Season 2, Episode 7, 7 Apr. 2021, Co-produced with Deanna Fong.

Miya, Chelsea, and Sean Luyk. “Drum Codes [Part 1]: The Language of Talking Drums.” The SpokenWeb Podcast, Season 2, Episode 4, 11 Jan. 2021.

Tayler, Felicity, Mathieu Aubin, and S. Girouard, editors. Lesbian Liberation Across Media: A Sonic Screening.SpokenWeb Podcast Series, Season 2, Episode 2, Nov. 2020.

McGregor, Hannah, and Stacey Copeland. “Why Podcast: In Defense of Scholarly Podcasting.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy.

Long Dector, Rosie. “A Conversation with Jason Camlot.” Vallum: Contemporary Poetry, vol. 17, no. 1, 2020.

Beissel, Henry. Interview by Jason Camlot. Conducted on Zoom, 27 Mar. 2020.

Beissel, Henry. Interview by Jason Camlot. Conducted on Zoom, 5 May 2020.

Lord, Alan. Interview by Jason Camlot and Samuel Mercier, 25 Nov. 2019.

Lord, Alan. Interview by Jason Camlot, Emma Telaro, and Sadie Barker, 21 Aug. 2021.

Tyrell, Roger. Interview by Jason Camlot. Tascam Audio Recording and transcription by Piyusha Chaterjee, 28 Nov. 2018.

Camlot, Jason. “Sound Pedagogy – Teaching the Audible Dimensions of Poetry: A Conversation (plus clips and sample syllabus) with Chris Mustazza.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 25 Sept. 2020.

Camlot, Jason. “Extending Genetic Criticism to Audiotexts: A Conversation with Jason Wiens.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 19 Dec. 2020.

Camlot, Jason, and Stephanie Ricci. “Mêler les Arts, Sciences et Cultures: À L’écoute des Métamatériaux Acoustiques avec Georges Roussel.” SPOKENWEBLOG.

Aubin, Mathieu. “‘Mistakes’ in the Sound Archive: An Interview with Leah Van Dyk.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 4 Sept. 2020.

bissett, bill. Interview by Mathieu Aubin, 15 Apr. 2019.

bissett, bill. Interview by Mathieu Aubin, 14 Apr. 2020.

bissett, bill. Interview by Mathieu Aubin, 20 Sept. 2021.

Bowering, George. Interview by Mathieu Aubin, 27 Apr. 2020.

Bowering, George. Interview by Mathieu Aubin, 28 Apr. 2020.

Butling, Pauline, and Fred Wah. Interview, 11 May 2020.

Hindmarch, Maria. Interview by Mathieu Aubin, 2 Apr. 2021.

Hindmarch, Maria. Interview by Mathieu Aubin, 15 Apr. 2021.

Hindmarch, Maria. Interview by Mathieu Aubin, 4 June 2021.

Lesbian Liberation Across Media Collective. Interview by Felicity Tayler, Michelle Schwartz, Constance Crompton, Rachel E. Beattie, Reagan Swanson, and Mathieu Aubin, 10 June 2020.

Mills, Mara, and Jonathan Sterne. Interview by Katherine McLeod and Mathieu Aubin, 15 Oct. 2020.

Marlatt, Daphne, and Carole Itter. Interview by Deanna Fong and Mathieu Aubin, 5 Apr. 2021.

Siegler, Karl. Interview by Mathieu Aubin, 21 Apr. 2020.

Paré, Faith. “‘Dubbing It into the Earth’: In Conversation with Kaie Kellough.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 19 Feb. 2021.

Paré, Faith. “Black Voice, Red Record: An Interview with Kristin Moriah.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 31 July 2020.

McLeod, Katherine. “An Aural Vision of Situated Knowledge: An Interview with Ellen Waterman.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 9 Oct. 2020.

Telaro, Emma. “Provocative Listenings: Andrew McEwan on Hannah Weiner’s ‘selvesothers.’” SPOKENWEBLOG, Apr. 2021.

Telaro, Emma. “On Literary Machine Listening and Pedagogy: The Praxis Studio with Julie Funk, Faith Ryan, and Jentery Sayers.” SPOKENWEBLOG, Feb. 2021.

Telaro, Emma. “On Mobilizing ‘Unvoice’: An Interview with Eric Schmaltz.” SPOKENWEBLOG, July 2020.

Telaro, Emma. “Aphasic Poetry: Making Sense of It with Katharina Fuerholzer.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 4 Dec. 2020.

Abel, Jordan. Interview by Deanna Fong, 27 Oct. 2020, 6 Nov. 2020.

Avasilichioaei, Oana. Interview by Deanna Fong, 3 Sept. 2020.

Compton, Wayde. Interview by Deanna Fong, 31 Aug. 2020.

Itter, Carole, and Daphne Marlatt. Interview by Mathieu Aubin and Deanna Fong. Blue Metropolis, https://bluemetropolis.org/otherevents/.

Morris, Tracie. Interview by Deanna Fong and Cole Mash, 8 Oct. 2020.

Scott, Jordan. Interview by Deanna Fong, 13 Aug. 2020.

Aubin, Mathieu. Interview by Deanna Fong, 8 Feb. 2021, YouTube, https://youtu.be/vMlOep0Cwos.

Burnham, Clint. Interview by Deanna Fong and Michael O’Driscoll, 18 Feb. 2021, YouTube, https://youtu.be/guvMHw7SV9Y.

Chambers, Treena. Interview by Deanna Fong and Michael O’Driscoll, 5 Mar. 2021, YouTube, https://youtu.be/4xxezPkHOMI.

Cowan, T.L. Interview by Deanna Fong and Michael O’Driscoll, 26 Feb. 2021, YouTube, https://youtu.be/SmKVptoBV6E.

Lord, Alan. Interview by Samuel Mercier, Oct. 2018.

Sapin, David. Interview by Samuel Mercier, Dec. 2019.

Bonspiel, Jean-Luc. Interview by Samuel Mercier, Dec. 2019.

Barker, Sadie. “Noise and Politics: An Interview with Junting Huang.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 19 June 2020.

Barker, Sadie. “Queer Listening: Unsettling the Archive with Mathieu Aubin.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 23 Oct. 2020.

Barker, Sadie. “Ecological Performativity: An Interview with Teresa Connors.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 3 July 2020.

Barker, Sadie. “‘Immersive Media’ and the Phenomenological Experience of Listening: A Conversation with Deanna Fong and John Saklofske.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 20 Nov. 2020.

du Plessis, Klara. “Zoom Aid or Zoom Raid?: An Interview with Stephen J. Neville.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 14 Aug. 2020.

Roberge, Andrew. “Sound Walks, Sound Talks: An Interview with Andre Furlani.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 5 Feb. 2021.

Burnham, Clint. “Clint Burnham Interviews Kevin Chong.” Canadian Literature, 2021, pp. 152-157.

Aubin, Mathieu. Interview by Deanna Fong, 8 Feb. 2021, YouTube, https://youtu.be/vMlOep0Cwos.

Burnham, Clint. Interview by Deanna Fong and Michael O’Driscoll, 18 Feb. 2021, YouTube, https://youtu.be/guvMHw7SV9Y.

Chambers, Treena. Interview by Deanna Fong and Michael O’Driscoll, 5 Mar. 2021, YouTube, https://youtu.be/4xxezPkHOMI.

Cowan, T.L. Interview by Deanna Fong and Michael O’Driscoll, 26 Feb. 2021, YouTube, https://youtu.be/SmKVptoBV6E.

“A New Frontier of Literary Engagement: SpokenWeb’s Network of Digitized Audio Recordings Brings New Life to Canada’s Literary Heritage.” Interview with Michael O’Driscoll, Aug. 2018, University of Alberta, ualberta.ca.

Butling, Pauline. Interview by Karis Shearer, 15 Apr. 2019. Unpublished.

Castricano, Jodey. Interview by Karis Shearer, 10 Nov. 2019. Unpublished.

Castricano, Jodey. Interview by Karis Shearer, 11 Nov. 2018. Unpublished.

Hindmarch, Gladys. Interview by Deanna Fong and Karis Shearer, 12 Feb. 2018. Wanting Everything: The Collected Works of Gladys Hindmarch, pp. 311-345.

Hogg, Robert. Interview by Deanna Fong and Karis Shearer, 24 May 2018. Unpublished.

Hogg, Robert, and Frank Davey. Interview by Karis Shearer, 5 May 2018. Unpublished.

Hogg, Robert, and Frank Davey. Interview by Deanna Fong and Karis Shearer, 6 May 2018. Unpublished.

Marlatt, Daphne. Interview by Karis Shearer, 14 Apr. 2019. Unpublished.

Marlatt, Daphne. Interview by Karis Shearer, 15 Apr. 2019. Unpublished.

Wiens, Jason. “Extending Genetic Criticism to Audiotexts: A Conversation with Jason Wiens.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 19 Dec. 2020.

Wiens, Jason. EdTech Examined, episode 8: “Digital Literature,” 25 Aug. 2020.

“‘Mistakes’ in the Sound Archive: An Interview with Leah Van Dyk.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 4 Sept. 2020, https://spokenweb.ca/mistakes-in-the-sound-archive-an-interview-with-leah-van-dyk/. Interviewed by Mathieu Aubin.

“Emergent Data Community Spotlight II: An Interview with Felicity Tayler and Marjorie Mitchell on the Spoken Web Project.” Interview by Rebecca Springer, 10 Sept. 2019, Ithaka S+R.

Levy, Michelle. “Mavis Gallant Reads ‘Grippes and Poche’ at SFU.” 1 Mar. 2021, listening party.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 9 Sept. 2019.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 11 Sept. 2019.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 13 Sept. 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “SpokenWeb Podcast Trailer: Welcome to SpokenWeb.” 18 Sept. 2019.

Betts, Gregory. From TISH to HITS: Some Grateful Contexts for the Trips Festival in Vancouver 1966. No Press, 2018.

Betts, Gregory. “Seeing Visual Poetry in Canada as Decolonial Poesis.” Utsanga, no. 9, Jan. 2018.

Betts, Gregory. Review of Wanting Everything: The Collected Works, by Gladys Hindmarch, Talonbooks, 2020. The Ampersand Review of Writing and Publishing, vol. 1, 2021, pp. 107-08.

Betts, Gregory. “Essential Contingencies, or the Verbs Behind All Nouns.” Review of The Nothing That Is: Essays on Art, Literature and Being, by Johanna Skibsrud, and We Are Not Avatars: Essays, Memoirs, Manifestos, by John Barton. Canadian Literature, no. 240, 2020, pp. 129-30.

Betts, Gregory. Review of Translingual Poetics: Writing Personhood Under Settler Colonialism, by Sarah Dowling. Canadian Literature, no. 239, Nov. 2019, pp. 151-53.

Betts, Gregory. Review of Experiment: Printing the Canadian Imagination, by David McKnight, U of Alberta P, 2018. Papers of The Bibliographical Society of Canada, vol. 56, no. 1/2, pp. 214-16.

Betts, Gregory. “Postnational Arguments.” Review of SKY WRI TEI NGS, by Nasser Hussain, Port of Being, by Shazia Hafiz Ramji, and The Blue Clerk, by Dionne Brand. Canadian Literature, 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Roy Kiyooka Introducing Phyllis Webb – Sir George Williams University, November 18, 1966.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 28 May 2019.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Bill Bissett on CKYTV September 1978.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 28 May 2020.

Aubin, Mathieu. “SpokenWeb Podcasting as Scholarly Feminist Practice.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 20 May 2020.

McLeod, Katherine. “‘Every Elegy Is the Present’: Listening to Muriel Rukeyser.” Muriel Rukeyser: A Living Archive, 12 Feb. 2021.

McLeod, Katherine, Jason Camlot, and Deanna Fong. “Clipping the Poetry Series: Selections from the Sir George Williams Poetry Series, 1965–1974.” Jacket2, 24 Oct. 2018.

McLeod, Katherine. “Margaret Atwood Introducing and Reading ‘This is a Photograph of Me’ – Sir George Williams University, October 13, 1967.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 5 Sept. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Maxine Gadd Reading ‘Shore Animals’ with Improvised Flute by Richard Sommer – Sir George Williams University, February 18, 1972.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 12 Sept. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Muriel Rukeyser, Introductory Remarks – Sir George Williams University, January 24, 1969.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 19 Sept. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Muriel Rukeyser, Reading ‘Anemone’ – Sir George Williams University, January 24, 1969.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 26 Sept. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Dorothy Livesay Reading ‘The Unquiet Bed’ – Sir George Williams University, January 14, 1971.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 3 Oct. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Earle Birney Asks George Bowering for a Glass of Water – Sir George Williams University, February 23, 1968.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 12 Oct. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Kaie Kellough – The Words & Music Show, November 20, 2016.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 24 Oct. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Daphne Marlatt Reading ‘Lagoon’ – Sir George Williams University, November 3, 1970.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 28 Nov. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Daryl Hine Reading ‘Point Grey’ – Sir George Williams University, 1967.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 13 Dec. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Daryl Hine Reading ‘The Trout’ / James Wright Reading ‘A Blessing’ – Sir George Williams University, December 1, 1967 / December 13, 1968.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 20 Dec. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Dorothy Livesay Introducing and Reading ‘Bartok and the Geranium’ – Sir George Williams University (Montreal), January 14, 1971.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 14 Feb. 2020.

McLeod, Katherine. “Margaret Avison Reading ‘Thaw’ – Sir George Williams University, January 27, 1967.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 30 Mar. 2020.

McLeod, Katherine. “Gwendolyn MacEwan Reading ‘I Should Have Predicted’ – Sir George Williams University, November 18, 1966.” SPOKENWEBLOG, 15 May 2020.

Telaro, Emma. “Aphasic Poetry: Making Sense of it with Katharina Fuerholzer.” SpokenWeblog, Dec. 2020.

Telaro, Emma. “Margaret Atwood Reading ‘Late August’ – Sir George Williams University, October 18, 1974.” SpokenWeblog, Aug. 2020.

Neugebauer, Tomasz, et al. SpokenWeb Metadata Scheme and Cataloguing Process. 2020.

Neugebauer, Tomasz. Python Script to Convert Audio Annotation Files. GitHub, 2020.

Neugebauer, Tomasz, Berrizbeitia, F. Swallow Metadata Management System. GitHub, 2019.

Neugebauer, Tomasz. EPrintsOpenAIRE: Export to OpenAIRE (Guidelines for Literature Repositories v4) from EPrints Digital Repository Software. EPrints UG GitHub, 2021.

Neugebauer, Tomasz. Fireweed, Fuse (Centerfold), Border/Lines Magazine Contributors 1976-1987. 2021.

Neugebauer, Tomasz, Berrizbeitia, F. Citation Data Enrich Transform: Scripts Used to Enrich Citation Data with Links to DBpedia and Wikidata’s Multilingual Labels and Then Transform That Citation Data into a Dynamic GML Graph. GitHub, 2021.

Neugebauer, Tomasz, Lasou, P., Kosavic, A., and Walsh, T. Digital Preservation Functionality in Canadian Repositories. Canadian Association of Research Libraries, Open Repositories Working Group, 2019.

du Plessis, Klara. “Deep Curation: A New, Dialogic Poetry Reading.” SpokenWeblog, 28 Feb. 2019.

du Plessis, Klara, and Deanna Fong. “Retrospective Resonance on Listen Deep: Poetry, Sound and Multitudinous Remix.” SpokenWeblog, 8 Mar. 2021.

Barillaro, Ali. “Concordia – Manifesto Blog.” SpokenWeblog, 19 May 2020.

Barillaro, Ali. “Tanya Davis Performing ‘How to Be Alone’ – Recorded at the Words & Music Show, December 16, 2012.” SpokenWeblog, 6 Aug. 2020.

McLeod, Katherine and Cheryl Gladu. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #1: Stories of SpokenWeb.” 7 Oct. 2019.

Fong, Deanna, and Klara du Plessis. “Retrospective Resonance on Listen Deep: Poetry, Sound and Multitudinous Remix.” SpokenWeblog, 8 Mar. 2021.

Shearer, Karis, Deanna Fong, Erin Moure, and Al Filreis. “In Conversation: A Corner Is Never a Firm Divide.” The Capilano Review, vol. 3, no. 39, Fall 2019, pp. 93-98.

Shearer, Karis, and Deanna Fong. “Gender, Affective Labour, and Community-Building through Literary Audio Artifacts.” No More Potlucks, no. 50, May 2018.

Shearer, Karis. “On Producing SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #3: Invisible Labour.” SpokenWeblog, 14 Dec. 2019.

MacArthur, Marit. Review of David McKnight’s Experiment: Printing the Canadian Imagination. Papers of The Bibliographical Society of Canada, vol. 56, no. 1/2, pp. 214-16.

MacArthur, Marit, and Lee M. Miller. “After Scansion: Visualizing, Deforming and Listening to Poetic Prosody.” Stanford ARCADE Colloquy Series: Alternative Histories of Prosody, 13 Dec. 2018.

Clement, Tanya. “Listen Slow: Researching Anne Sexton Putting Poetry Her Way.” Ransom Center Magazine, 8 Oct. 2020.

Betts, Gregory. “As the world transforms, so too must its poetry, disregarding tradition.” The Irish Times, 26 Dec. 2019.

Betts, Gregory. “Avant-garde Literary Festival Hits Dublin.” The Irish Times. 22 Apr. 2019.

MacArthur, Marit. “John Ashbery’s Reading Voice.” The Paris Review Online, Oct. 29, 2019.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 15 Oct. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables Event – Concordia Open House.” Concordia University, AmpLab, Montreal, QC, 20 Oct. 2019.

Betts, Gregory. “Marshall McLuhan.” The Literary Encyclopedia, edited by Cynthia Sugars, vol. 3.1.3, Postwar and Contemporary Canadian Writing and Culture, 1945–Present, 8 Apr. 2020.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 22 Oct. 2019.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 29 Oct. 2019.

Camlot, Jason & Cheryl Gladu. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #2: Sound Recordings Are Weird.” 4 Nov. 2019.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 5 Nov. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “The Launch of Three New Titles and a Talk by Dr. Jeffrey Weingarten.” Concordia University, LB 1019, Montreal, QC, 11 Nov. 2019.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 12 Nov. 2019.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 19 Nov. 2019.

Camlot, Jason and Yuliya Kondratenko. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables Event – AELAQ Book Fair #1.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, LB Building, Montreal, QC, 30 Nov. 2019.

Camlot, Jason and Yuliya Kondratenko. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables Event – AELAQ Book Fair #2.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, LB Building, Montreal, QC, 1 Dec. 2019.

Sallam, Nour and Karis Shearer. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #3: Invisible Labour.” 2 Dec. 2019.

Bloom, Myra. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #4: The Agony and the Ecstasy of Elizabeth Smart.” 6 Jan. 2020.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 7 Jan. 2020.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 21 Jan. 2020.

Moffatt, Kate and Michelle Levy. “SpokenWeb Podcast Episode #5: Revisiting Feminist Noise, Silence, and Refusal.” 3 Feb. 2020.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “SpokenWeb Outreach Tables.” Concordia University, Mezzanine, Hall Building, Montreal, QC, 18 Feb. 2020.

Jason Camlot, Deanna Fong, Katherine McLeod,  “Clipping the Poetry Series: Selections form the Sir George Williams Poetry Series, 1965-1974,” Jacket2 (24 October 2018)

Conference Papers, Proceedings, Posters, Organized Panels (Refereed)

Swanson, Reagan, Rachel Beattie, Mathieu Aubin, Felicity Tayler. “Lesbian Liberation Across Media: Virtual Screening and Discussion.” Virtual Conversation, 10 June 2020.

Camlot, Jason and Katherine McLeod. “How Are We Listening, Now? A SpokenWeb Podcast Conversation.” Virtual Conversation, 18 June 2020.

SpokenWeb Network. “SpokenWeb DH2020 Sessions.” Virtual Conversation, 23 July 2020.

Connors, Teresa, Dayna McLeod, and Julieanna Preston. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 1.0 – Plenary Panel: Practicing with Sound.” Virtual Panel, 18 May 2021.

Adesubokan, Samuel, Julie Funk, Nicole Furlonge, Faith Ryan, and Jentery Sayers. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 1.1 – Plenary Panel: Teaching with Sound / Sound and Pedagogy.” Virtual Panel, 19 May 2021.

Mustazza, Chris, Karine Bouchard, Philippe-Aubert Gauthier, Georges Roussel, Francois Proulx, Nicolas Bernier. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 1.2a – Voice Technologies and Materials.” Virtual Panel, 19 May 2021.

Altergott, Renee, Caroline Kita, and Kevin McNeilly. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 1.2b – Archives of Historical Listening.” Virtual Panel, 19 May 2021.

Aubin, Mathieu, Moynan King, and Victoria Roskams. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 2.1a – Queer Voice and Agency.” Virtual Panel, 20 May 2021.

Denome-Welch, Spy, Katharina Feurholzer, Catherine McGowan, and Jason Wiens. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 2.1b – Ethics of Listening.” Virtual Panel, 20 May 2021.

Galloway, Kate, Junting Huang, and Ellen Waterman. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 2.3A – Music as Ethnographic Sound.” Virtual Panel, 20 May 2021.

Maguire, Shannon, Andrew McEwan, Katherine McLeod, and Emily Murphy. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 2.3B – Corporeal Listening.” Virtual Panel, 20 May 2021.

du Plessis, Klara, Andre Furlani, and Julia Polyck-O’Neil. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 3.2A – Sonic Spaces.” Virtual Panel, 21 May 2021.

Fong, Deanna, Jon Saklofske, Robert Stacey, Kevin Zemmour, Philippe-Aubert Gauthier, Sandrine Rousseau, and Laurie Pelletier. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 3.2B – Hearing Voices / Auditory Hallucinations.” Virtual Panel, 21 May 2021.

Schmaltz, Eric, Kristin Moriah, and Smaro Kamboureli. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 3.3 – Plenary Panel: Unvoicing – A Panel About the Politics and Poetics of Voices and Silence.” Virtual Panel, 21 May 2021.

Ricci, Stephanie. “Summer Sound Institute: Premiere of ‘The Making of Small Stones.’” Discussion, 26 July 2021.

Betts, Gregory.  “Before the Alphabet of Blood: Personal Anarchies and the Doxa of Visual Poetry in Canada.”  The Canadian Literature Symposium, University of Ottawa, 6 May 2018.

Betts, Gregory. “Is it Really Revolting? Towards an Ethics of Loss in the Canadian Avant-Garde.” Literary Exchanges: The McGill Graduate Student Conference, McGill University, Montreal, 16 Feb. 2018.

Betts, Gregory. “Out of Time, Intime: Reverse Eschatology in bpNichol’s The Martyrology.” Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English Annual Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 3 June 2019.

Betts, Gregory. “How is Leonard Cohen our Contemporary?” Association of Canadian and Quebec Literatures Annual Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2 June 2019.

Betts, Gregory. “Decolonizing the Garde: Avant-Garde Canadian Writing and the Indigenous Renaissance.” Versions of this talk were delivered at Waterford Institute of Technology, Humanities Institute; University College Dublin; and The Obama Institute, Universitat Mainz, Mar.-July 2019.

Betts, Gregory. “C/overt Censorship and Colonialism in Canada.” Toronto’s Urban Imaginaries Research Group, University of Toronto, 24 Jan. 2018.

Camlot, Jason, Francisco Berrizbeitia, and Tomasz Neugebauer. “Dynamic Systems for Humanities Audio Collections: The Theory and Rationale of Swallow.” DH2020, Ottawa/Virtual Conference, 24 July 2020.

Camlot, Jason, Klara Du Plessis, Liz Fisher, Deanna Fong, Yuliya Kondratenko, Emily Murphy, Annie Murray, Michael O’Driscoll, Karis Shearer, and Tanya Clement. “Ethical Soundings in Collaborative Digital Humanities Research Projects: Critical Scenarios from The SpokenWeb.” DH2020, Ottawa/Virtual Conference, 24 July 2020, panel.

Camlot, Jason. “Early Genres of Recorded Speech: What the Catalogues Said.” North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Columbus, 17-19 Oct. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Early Recorded Cowboy Poetry: Audiotextual Forms and Formats of ‘Lasca.’” PCA/ACA Conference, Wilmington, 26-28 Sept. 2019.

Camlot, Jason, Michael O’Driscoll, Sean Lyuk, Holly Pickering, and Ali Azarpahah. “Documenting Humanities-Oriented Spoken Collections.” CSDH/SCHN Digital Humanities Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2-4 June 2019, presentation.

Camlot, Jason. “Situating Patrimony: Audiotextual Features of Warren Tallmen’s Retirement Speech.” UBC Special Congress Programming, University of British Columbia, 1 June 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Disciplinary Listening.” Resonant Practices in Communities of Sound, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 30-31 May 2019.

Camlot, Jason, Annie Murray, and Darren Werslher. “The Afterlife of Performance: A Metahistory of Production and Circulation.” Text/Sound/Performance: Making in Canadian Space, University College Dublin, 25-27 Apr. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Preparing for Analysis: Seeking Feedback on SpokenWeb’s First Steps.” Great Lakes Association of Sound Studies (GLASS), Northwestern University, Chicago, 27 Oct. 2018.

Camlot, Jason. “Vocalic Bodies in Generic Lists: An Anatomy of Early Record Catalogues.” Victorian Studies Associate of Western Canada / Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, ‘The Body and the Page’ Conference, University of Victoria, 25-29 July 2018.

Camlot, Jason. “Collection Thinking.” Collection Thinking Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, 12-14 June 2018.

Camlot, Jason. “Curating the Signal.” Kanada Koncrete: Verbi-Voco-Visual Poetries in the Digital Age (The Canadian Literature Symposium), University of Ottawa, 4-6 May 2018.

Camlot, Jason. “Voice.” The International Conference on Narrative, McGill University, Montreal, 18 Apr. 2018, panel moderator.

Camlot, Jason. “Meet the Presses: Publishing in 2020.” Association of English-Language Publisher in Quebec (AELAQ) event, on Crowdcast, Montreal, 28 Nov. 2020, host and moderator.

Camlot, Jason, Annie Murray, and Jason Wiens. “Developing Collaborative Humanities Research Programs Around Forgotten Archives.” Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada, University of Calgary, 1-3 May 2019, panel workshop.

Camlot, Jason. “Building on the Archive.” University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1 Nov. 2018, panel presentation.

Camlot, Jason. “Stop Words.” DH2020, Ottawa/Online.

Camlot, Jason. “Curatorial Openness at the Véhicule Art Inc. Poetry Reading Series.” SpokenWeb Symposium, Vancouver.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Queering the Tape Recorder: Transforming Surveillance Technologies through bill bissett’s Queer Poetic Voice.” DH2020, University of Ottawa, 22-24 July 2020.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Gay in Our Time: Gay Cultural Activism in Vancouver’s ‘Writing in Our Time’ Reading Series.” Association of Canadian and Québécois Literatures Annual Conference, Vancouver, 1–3 June 2020.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Hear and Queer: Lesbian and Gay Oral Histories of Press Gang and blewointment.” Resonant Practices in Communities of Sound, Simon Fraser University, 30-31 May 2019.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Curated Close Listening of bill bissett.” Congress 2019, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 3 June 2019.

Aubin, Mathieu, Karis Shearer, Deanna Fong, Jodey Castricano, and Jason Camlot. “Listening Queerly to bill bissett Revisiting the ‘Writing in Our Time’ Poetry Reading Series.” Congress, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1 June 2019, roundtable.

Butchart, Megan, Karis Shearer and Amy Thiessen. “Canadian Poetry off the Page in the Undergraduate Classroom.” University College Dublin (J208), 26 Apr. 2019.

Wiercinski, Jared, Francisco Berrizbeitia, and Tomasz Neugebauer. “Metadata Task Force Workshop.” SpokenWeb Sound Institute, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 28 May 2019, presentation and workshop.

Wiercinski, Jared, Jason Camlot, and Tomasz Neugebauer. “SpokenWeb: Metadata Scheme and Cataloguing Process.” Séance de travail des membres du Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (CRIHN), Montréal, Feb. 2019, presentation.

McLeod, Katherine. “Collective Listening.” Resonant Practices and Communities of Sound, SFU, Vancouver, 29 May 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Listening to the Listening: The Ghost Reading Series, 2018-2019.” Resonant Practices and Communities of Sound, SFU, Vancouver, 30 May 2019.

Wiens, Jason, Leah van Dyk and Isabelle Groenhof. “Sound Pedagogies: Rethinking Approaches to Literary Audio Archives.” University College Dublin (J208), 26 Apr. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine, and Emily Christina Murphy. “Making Shadows with Recorded Sound: A Response to Gwendolyn MacEwen’s Audio Archives.” Text / Sound / Performance – Making in Canadian Space, University College Dublin, 25 Apr. 2019.

Telaro, Emma. “On Podcasting Margaret Atwood.” Sound Studies Symposium, July 2020, lightning talk.

Camlot, Jason, Tomasz Neugebauer, and Jared Wiercinski. “SpokenWeb: Metadata Scheme and Cataloguing Process.” Séance de travail des membres du centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (CRIHN) 2018-2019, Université de Montréal, 15 Feb. 2019.

Camlot, Jason, Annie Murray, and Darren Wershler. “The Afterlife of Performance.” University College Dublin, Humanities Board Room (A102), 26 Apr. 2019.

Camlot, Jason, Tomasz Neugebauer, and Francisco Berrizbeitia. “Dynamic Systems for Humanities Audio Collections: The Theory and Rationale of Swallow.” DH 2020, Ottawa, 23 July 2020.

Tayler, Felicity, and Tomasz Neugebauer. “Complex Networks of Desire: Mapping Community in Visual Arts Magazines Fireweed, Fuse, and Border/Lines.” DH 2018, Mexico City, June 2018, poster session.

Neugebauer, Tobias, Iryna Kuchma, Daisy Selematsela, Thembelani Biziwe, Nicolas Zimmer, Thembeka Zodwa, Jo Havemann, Helen Staines, Francisco Berrizbeitia, Peter Stacey, Kathleen Shearer, Vincent Venema, and Serhiy Tykhonov. Ideas Challenge 2020/2021: WikiData Integration with Repository Contents. Presented at the International Conference on Open Repositories (OR2021), Zenodo, June 2021.

Neugebauer, Tobias, Jonathan Bradley, and James Simpson. Digital Preservation through EPrints-Archivematica Integration. International Conference on Open Repositories, 3-7 June 2018, Bozeman, USA.

Neugebauer, Tomasz. “EPrints-Archivematica Integration.” Archivematica Camp, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, 13 Apr. 2018.

Neugebauer, Tobias, Jonathan Bradley, and James Simpson. Digital Preservation through EPrints-Archivematica Integration. International Conference on Open Repositories, 3-7 June 2018, Bozeman, USA.

Wershler, Darren. “Media Archaeology, Video Game Consoles, and the Problem is Listening.” Resonant Practices in Communities of Sound, SFU, Vancouver, 31 May 2019.

High, Steven. “Montreal Life Stories and the Ethics of Participatory Practice.” Swedish National Museum for Migration and Democracy, Malmo, Aug. 2019.

High, Steven. “Oral History as Creative Practice.” University of Malmo, Sweden, Aug. 2019.

High, Steven. “Oral History: Life Story Interviewing and Analysis.” On the Move Project Conference, St. John’s, Nov. 2018.

Mash, Cole. “Transcribing Without Listening.” SpokenWeb Sound Institute, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 28 May 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Is Podcasting Pedagogy? Rethinking the Teaching/Scholarship Divide.” Podcasting Toward Social Change: Sound-Based Pedagogy and Scholarship, Illinois State University, Chicago, 4 Mar. 2021.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting & Peer Review in the Academy.” Digital Scholarship Commons, University of Victoria, 20 Nov. 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting and Peer Review.” Podcasting for the Humanities: Digital Stories for the Public, National Humanities Center Virtual Regional Institute for Graduate Students, 12 Jan. 2021.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting and Peer Review.” Podcasting for the Humanities: Digital Stories for the Public, National Humanities Center Virtual Regional Institute for Graduate Students, 15 Dec. 2020.

McGregor, Hannah, and Stacey Copeland. “Pitching Your Podcast Idea with The SpokenWeb Podcast.” SpokenWeb Sound Institute, 25 June 2020.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting and Humanities Scholarship: State of the Field.” Podcasting for the Humanities: Digital Stories for the Public, National Humanities Center Regional Institute for Graduate Students – Virtual, 16 June 2020.

McGregor, Hannah. “Introduction to Scholarly Podcasting.” Digital Scholarship Commons, University of Victoria, 20 Nov. 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting Task Force Presentation and Workshop.” The SpokenWeb Sound Institute 2019, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 29 May 2019, workshop.

Burnham, Clint. “Can we think of sound (or voice) without sight (or the gaze)? Lacanian Theory and the Horror of Community.” SpokenWeb Institute, SFU, Vancouver, 29 May 2019.

O’Driscoll, Michael, Sean Luyk, Chelsea Miya, and Nicholas Beauchesne. “The SpokenWeb Project: Archiving Literary Sound.” Sound Studies Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton/Virtual, 16 Sept. 2020.

O’Driscoll, Michael, and Deanna Fong. “Ethical Soundings in Collaborative Digital Humanities Research Projects: Critical Scenarios from The SpokenWeb.” Digital Humanities 2020, Virtual, 23 July 2020.

Luyk, Sean. “Problem/Opportunity: Using Business Analysis in Library Technology Projects.” Code4Lib YEG Conference, University of Alberta Library Digital Scholarship Centre, July 2019, lightning strike talk.

Luyk, Sean, and Carolyn Doi. “Local Music Collections: Exploring Ideas of Space, Place, Connection, and Community.” International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres Congress, Kraków, 14-19 July 2019.

Camlot, Jason, Michael O’Driscoll, Holly H. Pickering, Ali Azarpanah, and Sean Luyk. “The SpokenWeb Project: Documenting Humanities-Oriented Spoken Collections.” Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 3 June 2019.

Luyk, Sean, and Carolyn Doi. “Local Music in Cultural Heritage Institutions: Research from the Sounds of Home Project.” Open Ideas Conference, University of Alberta Library, Edmonton, Apr. 2019, presentation.

Outhier, Sara, Sean Luyk, and Carolyn Doi. “Start Local, Broadcast Global: Building Connections with Local Music Collections.” Annual Music Library Association Conference, St. Louis, 20-24 Feb. 2019, panel.

Doi, Carolyn, and Sean Luyk. “Local Music Collecting in Canadian Cultural Heritage Institutions: A Summary of Recent Research.” Joint Meeting of the New York State-Ontario (NYS/O) and New England (NEMLA) Chapters of the Music Library Association, SQACBM, Montreal, 9 Nov. 2018, conference presentation.

Luyk, Sean, Krista Jamieson, Amanda Wakaruk, Lucinda Johnston, and Mariana Paredes-Olea. “Digital Audio Archives for Sound Studies.” Sound Studies Institute Symposium, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Sept. 2018.

Doi, Carolyn, and Sean Luyk. “Findings from a Survey on Local Music Collecting and Collections in Canadian Libraries.” International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres Congress, Leipzig, 26 July 2018.

Doi, Carolyn, and Sean Luyk. “Collecting Local Music in Canadian Libraries: A National Survey.” Canadian Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Regina, 31 May 2018.

Rockwell, Geoffrey. “Thinking-Through Tools: On Interpretation in the Digital Humanities.” Electronic Textual Cultures: A Study of Digital Literature and Literature in Digital Spaces, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India, online, Mar. 2021, keynote.

Rockwell, Geoffrey. “Knowing Through Computing: How Exactly Did Busa and Tasman Process Words with Calculating Machines?” One Origin of Digital Humanities: Fr Roberto Busa S.J. in His Own Words, online symposium, Jan. 2021.

Rockwell, Geoffrey. “Ethics and Datafication.” Data in Discourse Analysis Conference, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, Feb. 2020.

Rockwell, Geoffrey. “Reconstructing the Process: On the Mechanized Language Analysis from the Busa Archive.” NEH-funded Symposium “Reconstructing the First Humanities Computing Centre”, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, Mar. 2019.

Rockwell, Geoffrey, and Stéfan Sinclair. “Graceful Degradation: Thinking-Through the Body of Text.” Novel Worlds Conference, Montreal, Oct. 2018, paper.

Rockwell, Geoffrey. “Artificial Intelligence and the Humanities/Social Sciences.” International Symposium on Applications of Artificial Intelligence, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Sept. 2018, keynote and panel moderation.

Shearer, Karis, Marjorie Mitchell, and Felicity Tayler. “Making Research Data Public: Workshopping Data Curation for Digital Humanities Projects.” Digital Humanities Summer Institute: Technologies East, online, May 2021.

Mitchell, Marjorie. “Data Management and Library Supports for Research Administration.” CARA West, Kelowna, Canada, Dec. 2018.

Shearer, Karis. “Feminist Close Listening in the SoundBox Collection.” Roundtable on “New Directions in Canadian Modernism”, Modernist Studies Association, Toronto, 17 Oct. 2019, roundtable.

Shearer, Karis, and Deanna Fong. “‘But You Can’t Put That in a Book’: Feminist Close Listening in the SoundBox Collection.” TEXT/SOUND/PERFORMANCE: Making in Canadian Space, University College Dublin, 25–27 Apr. 2019.

Shearer, Karis, Megan Butchart, and Amy Thiessen. “Pedagogies in the Digital Archive.” Sound Pedagogies Panel, TEXT/SOUND/PERFORMANCE: Making in Canadian Space, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 25–27 Apr. 2019, panel.

Shearer, Karis. “The Literary Audio Archive: Teaching Poetry Off the Page.” Kanada Konkrete: Material Poetries in the Digital Age, University of Ottawa, 4–6 May 2018.

Camlot, Jason, Tanya Clement, Klara du Plessis, Liz Fisher, Deanna Fong, Yuliya Kondratenko, Emily Murphy, Annie Murray, Michael O’Driscoll, and Karis Shearer. “Ethical Soundings in Collaborative Digital Humanities Research Projects: Critical Scenarios from The SpokenWeb.” DH2020, Ottawa/online, 23 July 2020, panel.

Camlot, Jason and Darren Wershler. “The Afterlife of Performance: A Metahistory of Production and Circulation.” Text/Sound/Performance: Making in Canadian Space, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 25 Apr. 2019, lecture.

Murray, Annie. “You Gotta Fight (Politely) for Your Rights: The Basics of Sharing Archival Poetry Recordings Online.” SpokenWeb Summer Sound Institute, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, 28 May 2019, lecture.

Wiens, Jason. “Found Sound: Ethics, Appropriative Poetics, and the Sir George Williams Reading Series.” The SpokenWeb Symposium: Listening, Sound, Agency, Concordia University, 18–23 May 2020, lecture.

Wiens, Jason. “Sounding Difference: Genetic Criticism and Literary Audio Recordings.” Genetic Criticism: From Theory to Practice, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 12–14 June 2019, lecture.

Wiens, Jason. “Developing Collaborative Humanities Research Programs Around Forgotten Archives.” Victorian Sociability: Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Conference, University of Calgary, 1–3 May 2019, roundtable.

Wiens, Jason, and Leah Van Dyk. “Sound Pedagogies: Rethinking Approaches to Literary Audio Archives.” Text/Sound/Performance: Making in Canadian Space, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 25–27 Apr. 2019, lecture.

Wiens, Jason, and Isabelle Michalski. “Sound Pedagogies: Interventions in the Literary Audio Archive.” Silence, Sound, Rhythm, and Performance: Southern Humanities Conference, Asheville, North Carolina, 24–27 Jan. 2019, lecture.

Wiens, Jason. “Laying Bare the Device: Teaching Poetry Through the Archive.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, 29–31 Mar. 2018, lecture.

MacArthur, Marit. “John Ashbery’s Reading Voice.” Digital Culture/s Colloquium, New York University, 12 Nov. 2019, lecture.

MacArthur, Marit. “Is Impressionistic Description of Performative Speech a Dead End?” SpokenWeb Research Meeting, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 7 Oct. 2017, lecture.

Tayler, Felicity. “Communities: A Case Study of Fireweed, Fuse, and Border/Lines.” Art Histories and Digital Humanities Session, University Art Association of Canada (UAAC) Annual Conference, University of Waterloo.

Mustazza, Chris. “The Phono-Scriptural Economy: Early Poetry Audio, Monopolies of Knowledge, and Amateur Recording.” Resonant Practices in Communities of Sound: SpokenWeb Symposium, Vancouver, 30 May 2019.

Mustazza, Chris. “Distant Listening as Hermeneutic Method: Computational Prostheses, Sonic Genre, and the Poetic Autotext.” Listening, Sound, Agency: SpokenWeb Symposium, 19 May 2021.

Clement, Tanya. “AudiAnnotate.” International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Community Call, Sept. 2020.

Clement, Tanya. “Special Collections Audiovisual Preservation and Access or When Digitization Is a Waste of Time.” Sustaining Visions and Legacies: The Future of Special Collections Libraries, UCLA, Mar. 2020.

Clement, Tanya. “Language Matters.” Digital Humanities Beyond Modern English Conference, Dartmouth University, Hanover, NH, Apr. 2019.

Clement, Tanya, Zoe M. Bursztajn-Illing, Jason Camlot, Michelle Levy, Kate Moffatt, Bethany C. Radcliff, Janet Reinschmidt, and Kylie Warkentin. “AudiAnnotate for Increasing Access to Historical Audiovisual Collections.” ACH2021 Conference, July 2020, panel.

Esteva, Maria, Tanya Clement, Weijia Xu, Aaron Choate, and Hannah Robbins Hopkins. “AI4AV (Artificial Intelligence for Audiovisual): Design and Evaluation of a Shared System for LAMs.” Digital Humanities Conference, Ottawa, Canada, July 2020.

Clement, Tanya. “Ethical Soundings in Collaborative Digital Humanities Research Projects: Critical Scenarios from The SpokenWeb.” Digital Humanities Conference, Ottawa, Canada, July 2020, panelist.

Clement, Tanya. “The AudiAnnotate Project.” Bi-Annual Conference Association for Computers in the Humanities, Pittsburgh, July 2019.

Kamboureli, Smaro. “Storying Crystos’s Oral Life Story: The Making of an Archive.” Listening, Sound, Agency: SpokenWeb Symposium, 21 May 2021.

Funk, Julie. “Digital Ethics: AI, Algorithms, and Surveillance.” 2020 Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) Roundtable, 2020, panel.

Camlot, Jason, Tomasz Neugebauer, and Francisco Berrizbeitia. “Dynamic Systems for Humanities Audio Collections: The Theory and Rationale of Swallow.” DH 2020 (Digital Humanities 2020 Virtual Conference), University of Ottawa, 23 July 2020.

Camlot, Jason, Tanya Clement, Klara du Plessis, Liz Fisher, Deanna Fong, Yuliya Kondratenko, Emily Murphy, Annie Murray, Michael O’Driscoll, and Karis Shearer. “Ethical Soundings in Collaborative Digital Humanities Research Projects: Critical Scenarios from The SpokenWeb.” DH 2020 (Digital Humanities 2020 Virtual Conference), University of Ottawa, 23 July 2020.

Ick, C., and Brian McFee. “Sound Event Detection in Urban Audio with Single and Multi-Rate PCEN.” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2021.

Wu, H. H., C. C. Kao, Q. Tang, M. Sun, Brian McFee, J. P. Bello, and C. Wang. “Multi-Task Self-Supervised Pretraining for Music Classification.” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2021.

Cuesta, H., Brian McFee, and Emilia Gómez. “Multiple F0 Estimation in Vocal Ensembles Using Convolutional Neural Networks.” International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2020.

Lostanlen, V., S. Sridhar, Brian McFee, A. Farnsworth, and J. P. Bello. “Learning the Helix Topology of Musical Pitch.” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.

McFee, Brian, and Katherine Kinnaird. “Improving Structure Evaluation through Automatic Hierarchy Expansion.” 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2019.

Cohen-Hadria, A., M. Cartwright, Brian McFee, and J. P. Bello. “Voice Anonymization in Urban Sound Recordings.” IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2019.

O’Driscoll, Michael. “The SpokenWeb Project: Documenting Humanities-Oriented Spoken Recordings.” Canadian Society for the Digital Humanities Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 3 June 2019.

Mousavi, E., J. Bielby, K. Ingram, J. Wang, A. Azarpanah, T. Yoldas, H. Nye, and Geoffrey Rockwell. “The Ethics Bot: A Generative Archive.” CSDH-SCHN 2020 Conference, Online, June 2020.

Rockwell, Geoffrey, Stéfan Sinclair, C. Wu, J. Wang, A. Azarpanah, and B. Tchoh. “Visual Matters: Experiments in the Public Visualization of Text.” CSDH-SCHN 2020 Conference, Online, June 2020.

Camlot, Jason, Michael O’Driscoll, Sean Luyk, Holly Pickering, Ali Azarpanah, and Geoffrey Rockwell. “The SpokenWeb Project: Documenting Humanities-Oriented Spoken Collections.” CSDH 2019 Conference, HSSFC Congress, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, June 2019.

Mitchell, Marjorie. “Across Canada, Across Disciplines: Research Data Management Practices and Needs in the Social Sciences and Humanities.” 15 June 2017.

Berish, F., M. Cheung, A. Cooper, D. Dearborn, K. Fraser, M. Gertler, V. Gray, M. Ishida, M. Mitchell, and M. Yan. “Learning How to Support RDM across Canada: A Multi-Institutional Survey of Health and Medical Researchers’ RDM Practices and Attitudes.” June 2018.

Xu, Weijia, Maria Esteva, Peter Cui, Eugene Castillo, Kewen Wang, Hannah Robbins Hopkins, Tanya Clement, and Aaron Choate. “A Study of Spoken Audio Processing Using Machine Learning for Libraries, Archives, and Museums (LAM).” IEEE Big Data 2020 Workshop on Computational Archival Science.

Camlot, Jason. “Audiography of The Waste Land.”  Society for the History of Authorship, Research and Publishing (SHARP), Paris, France. 18-22 July, 2016.

Camlot, Jason. “Aural Frost in a Digital Environment,” Digital Frost Panel, Modern Language Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 5 January 2017.

Camlot, Jason. “Curating the Signal,” Kanada Koncrete: Verbi-Voco-Visual Poetries in the Digital Age (The Canadian Literature Symposium), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, 4-6 May 2018.

Camlot, Jason. “Dramatic Recitation with Orchestral Accompaniment: A Victorian Genre of Literary Recording,” North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Banff, Alberta, 16-19 November 2017.

Camlot, Jason. “Media Format and Modernist Poetry Performance,” Modernist Soundscapes Panel, Modern Language Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 6 January 2017.

Camlot, Jason.“Teaching with Early Sound Recordings: Performance-Media-History.” Supporting Humanities Online Research and Education Symposium.  Purdue University, 5 May 2016.

Jason Camlot, Annie Murray, Darren Werslher,“The Afterlife of Performance: A metahistory of production and circulation,” Text/Sound/Performance: Making in Canadian Space, University College Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 April 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Vocalic Bodies in Generic Lists: An Anatomy of Early Record Catalogues,” Victorian Studies Associate of Western Canada / Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, “The Body and the Page” Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, 25-29 July 2018.

Invited Lectures and Talks

Lytle Shaw and Michelle Levy. “On ‘The Strategic Idea of the North.’” Simon Fraser University, Bennett Library (Wosk Room), Vancouver, BC, 27 Sept. 2018.

Shearer, Karis. “Tech Talks: Feminist Close Listening in the Digital Audio Archive.” UBC Okanagan, BCAMP Lab (Fip 251), 15 Nov. 2018.

Rubery, Matthew. “How the Audiobook Got Its Groove Back: A Talk by Matthew Rubery.” Virtual Conversation, 22 Oct. 2020.

Shearer, Karis. “Tech Talks: Hearing and Seeing Data through Sensory Ethnography.” UBC Okanagan, BCAMP Lab (Fip 251), 29 Nov. 2018.

Burnham, Clint. “Decolonizing ‘Mayakovsky’: radiofreerainforest and the Digital Archive.” Virtual Conversation, 11 Feb. 2021.

Camlot, Jason, Dario Llinares, and Hannah McGregor. Podcasting as a Field of Critical Study.” Virtual Conversation, 20 Apr. 2021.

Robinson, Dylan. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 1.3 – Plenary Panel: Giving / Taking Notice.” Virtual Panel, 19 May 2021.

Sun Eidsheim, Nina. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 2.2 – Plenary Panel: Nina Sun Eidsheim.” Virtual Panel, 20 May 2021.

Sterne, Jonathan. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 3.1 – Plenary Panel: Jonathan Sterne.” Virtual Panel, 21 May 2021.

Mills, Mara. “Listening, Sound, Agency Panel 4.1 – Plenary Panel: Mara Mills.” Virtual Panel, 22 May 2021.

Feaster, Patrick and David Giovannoni. “An Introduction to the Library of Historical Audio Recordings at i78s.” Virtual Conversation, 22 July 2021.

High, Steven and Paul Thompson. “Archiving Oral History and Secondary Analysis.” Concordia University, Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling (LB 1042), 10 Oct. 2018.

Shearer, Karis. “Tech Talks: The Negative Heritage Project.” UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, BC, AMP Lab (Fip 251), 7 Feb. 2019.

Shearer, Karis. “Tech Talks: The Unwinding Reel: A Personal Account of Media-Focused Literary Research.” UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, BC, AMP Lab (Fip 251), 11 Feb. 2019.

du Plessis, Klara. Deep Curation II. Concordia University, 4TH SPACE, 14 Feb. 2019.

Rastelli, Louis. Fifty Years Later: The Sir George Williams Affair. Concordia University, Webster Library (LB-322), 23 Feb. 2019.

Mercier, Samuel. Littérature, Médias et Discours Culturel. Université de Montréal, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, local C-3061, 15 Mar. 2019.

Tayler, Felicity and Majorie Mitchell. “Tech Talks: Making Research Data Public.” UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, BC, AMP Lab (Fip 251), 20 Mar. 2019.

Camlot, Jason and Louis Rastelli, VOLUME MONTRÉAL – Art and The Book. ARCMTL, Société des arts technologiques (SAT), Montreal, QC, 15 Oct. 2018.

Tayler, Felicity and Majorie Mitchell. “Third Personism: The FBI’s Poetics of Immediacy in the 1960s.” Concordia University, Milieux Institute, EV 11.705 (11th floor), Montreal, QC, 20 Mar. 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Tech Talks: ‘SpokenWeb Podcasting Workshop’ & ‘Feminist Podcasting as Public Scholarship.’” UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, BC, ART 220, 29 Mar. 2019.

Fong, Deanna. Press Play East: Remixing the Compact Cassette. Concordia University, TAG Research Center (EV 11-435), Montreal, QC, 4 Apr. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Towards a Reception Model for Knowledge Mobilization: SpokenWeb Listening Practices, 2012-2020.” Creative Connections: A Pechakucha Event, Digital Humanities Innovation Lab, Simon Fraser University, on Zoom, 11 Dec. 2020, pechakucha talk.

Fong, Deanna and Karis Shearer. “But You Can’t Put That in a Book: Feminist Close Listening in The Soundbox Project.” University College Dublin (C213), 25 Apr. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Does Literary Studies Have Audile Techniques?” Department of English Monthly Colloquium Series, Concordia University, Montreal, 25 Oct. 2019, public talk.

Camlot, Jason. “The (Dis)articulating Voice of the Phonograph: Early Spoken Recordings and the Sound of the Literary.” Resonant Practices in Communities of Sound, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 30-31 May 2019, plenary.

Camlot, Jason. “Building (Digital) Humanities Communities: The Story of SpokenWeb.” DHSITE (Digital Humanities Summer Institute East), University of Ottawa, 14 May 2019, plenary.

Camlot, Jason, Annie Murray, Michael O’Driscoll, Karis Shearer, and Darren Wershler. “Digital and Archival Practice: SpokenWeb and Irish Poetry Reading Archives.” Text/Sound/Performance: Making in Canadian Space, University College Dublin, 25-27 Apr. 2019, three workshops.

Camlot, Jason, and Ronjaunee Chatterjee. “Victorian Poetry and Poetics: Media, Form, Empire.” Poetry Matters Series, Atwater Library, McGill University, Westmount, 18 Mar. 2019, workshop.

Camlot, Jason, Tomasz Neugebauer, and Jared Wiercinski. “SpokenWeb: Metadata Scheme and Cataloguing Process.” Séance de travail de members du CRIHN, Université de Montréal, 15 Feb. 2019, public talk.

Camlot, Jason. “Media Affordances of Literary Audio.” Sound Session for the Sound Studies Initiative, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 7 Nov. 2018, public lecture.

McLeod, Katherine. “Making Shadows with Recorded Sound: A Response to Gwendolyn MacEwen’s Audio Archives.” University College Dublin, Newman Building (C213), 25 Apr. 2019.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Lesbian Liberation Across Media Watch Party Panel Discussion.” Lesbian Liberation Across Media Event, University of Ottawa, 10 June 2020.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Night Passing Panel Discussion.” Night Passing Performance, The Cultch, Vancouver, 4 Mar. 2019.

Aubin, Mathieu, Margaret Reeves, and George Grinnell. “Producing Better Mentor-Mentee Relationships in Graduate School.” The University of British Columbia, Kelowna, 20 Nov. 2020.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Listening Queerly.” Workshop, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, 29 Jan. 2020.

Salas, Aphordite, Jason Camlot, Katherine McLeod, and SpokenWeb special guests including Oana Avasilichioaei, Stacey Copeland, Klara du Plessis, Alvaro Echánove, and Marlene Oeffinger. “How are we listening, now? A SpokenWeb Podcast Conversation Participants.” Moderated conversation.

McLeod, Katherine. “Unquiet Archives: What Remains of Voices on the Radio.” Collection Thinking, Concordia University, 12-14 June 2018.

McLeod, Katherine. “Listening to the Gendered Voice.” Online, 8 Apr. 2020.

McLeod, Katherine, and Klara du Plessis. “Listening to Podcasts.” Concordia University, Montreal, 27 Nov. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Listening as Making.” Concordia University, Montreal, 13 Nov. 2019.

Shearer, Karis. “Tech Talks: #Stopkm: How Participant Publics Picture the Pipeline on Instagram.” UBC Okanagan, BCAMP Lab (Fip 251), 18 Oct. 2018.

Macgregor, George, and Tomasz Neugebauer. “Preserving Digital Content through Improved EPrints Repository Integration with Archivematica.” UK Archivematica User Group, 30 Sept. 2020.

High, Steven. “Oral History and the Art of Participatory Research.” Public Lecture, The Brigstow Institute, University of Bristol, 21 June 2018.

High, Steven. “Living History: Re-Animating the Past with Oral History.” Château Ramezay, 12 Nov. 2018.

High, Steven. “Oral History: Past, Present, Future.” Journée d’étude en histoire orale et approches identitaires croisées, Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, Concordia University, Montreal, 24 Apr. 2018.

McFee, Brian, and T. Kell. “ISMIR Tutorial on Open Source and Reproducible MIR Research.” 2018.

McFee, Brian. “Discovering Multi-Level Structure in Music.” Data Science Tea, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting as Feminist Method.” Green College Leading Scholars’ Series, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 3 Oct. 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Hannah McGregor on Feminist Academic Podcasting.” Feminist and Accessible Publishing/Communications Technologies Series, McGill University, Montreal, 26 Sept. 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting in and Beyond the Classroom.” University of Guelph, 6 May 2019.

McGregor, Hannah, and Siobhan McMenemy. “Secret Feminist Agenda and Peer Reviewing Podcasts.” Mount Royal University, Calgary, 4 Apr. 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Feminist Podcasting as Public Scholarship.” AMP Lab, UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, 29 Mar. 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “So You Want to Make a Podcast?” International Women’s Day Celebrations, Gender & Women’s Studies, UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, 9 Mar. 2020.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting as Peer-Reviewed Scholarship.” UBC-V Public Humanities Media Training Series, 6 Mar. 2020.

McGregor, Hannah. “Academic Podcasting.” Feminist and Accessible Publishing and Communications Technologies Speaker and Workshop Series, McGill University, Montreal, 27 Sept. 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting and Humanities Scholarship: State of the Field.” National Humanities Center Student Internship (West): Public Digital Humanities + Podcasting, 9 July 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Building (Digital) Humanities Communities Around Sound Archives: The Story of SpokenWeb.” University of Ottawa, CreatorSpace (room 302 of Pérez Hall), 16 May 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting for Multiple Publics.” Mount Royal University, Calgary, 6 Apr. 2019.

McGregor, Hannah. “Podcasting 101.” AMP Lab, UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, 29 Mar. 2019, workshop.

McGregor, Hannah. “Behind Every Microphone: Podcasting and Feminism.” Growing Room Literary Festival, Vancouver, 16 Mar. 2019, panel.

Burnham, Clint, Deanna Fong, Linara Kosolov, and Teddy Brock. “Decolonizing Mayakovsky.” SpokenWeb, Zoom, 11 Feb. 2021, talk with responders.

Levy, Michelle. “‘How the Audiobook Got Its Groove Back’—A Talk by Matthew Rubery.” Oct. 2020, talk with moderator.

Dowson, Rebecca. “Evolving Role of Libraries in the Scholarly Communication Landscape.” University of British Columbia iSchool, LIBR 575: Academic Libraries, Vancouver, May 2018, lecture.

O’Driscoll, Michael. “Podcasting as a Field of Critical Study.” Media History Research Centre, Concordia University, Montreal, Virtual, 20 Apr. 2021, talk.

Doi, Carolyn, and Sean Luyk. “Local Music Collections in Canadian Libraries.” IFLA/IAML New Professionals Special Interest Group (NPSIG) Webinar on Music in Libraries, 29 Sept. 2020.

Beauchesne, Nick, Sean Luyk, Chelsea Miya, and Michael O’Driscoll. “The SpokenWeb Project: Archiving Literary Sound.” Sound Studies Lecture Series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 16 Sept. 2020, lecture.

Lynn Stoever, Jennifer. “Sonifying Race, Surveilling Space: The Sonic Color Line & The Listening Ear.” The SpokenWeb Symposium 2019, David Mowafaghian World Arts Centre, Vancouver, BC, 30 May 2019.

Luyk, Sean, and Carolyn Doi. “Exploring Local Music Collections and Collecting in Canada.” 16th Annual Concordia University Librarian Research Forum, Montreal, 27 Apr. 2018.

Luyk, Sean. “Sound Studies and Digital Libraries: Closing the Gap.” Sound Studies Institute (SSI), University of Alberta, Edmonton, 28 Feb. 2018, lecture.

Rockwell, Geoffrey. “Voyant, Spyral: A Discourse on Practice in the Digital Humanities.” Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, McGill University, online, Nov. 2020, lecture.

Rockwell, Geoffrey. “Communities of Words: Categories, Lists, and Text Analysis.” Digital Humanities Virtual Seminar, Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques, Université de Montréal, Feb. 2020.

Camlot, Jason. “The (Dis)Articulating Voice of the Phonograph: Early Spoken Recordings and the Sound of the Literary.” The SpokenWeb Symposium, David Mowafaghian World Arts Centre, Vancouver, BC, 31 May 2019.

Shearer, Karis. “Feminist Close Listening in the Audio Archive.” Graduate Centre, Queen Mary University of London, UK, 12 Feb. 2020.

MacArthur, Marit, Christopher Grobe, and Lee M. Miller. “Talking Like a Robot.” LitLab, Stanford University, 13 Feb. 2020, lecture.

Tayler, Felicity, and Mathieu Aubin. “Film Screening: Lesbian Liberation Across Media: Virtual Screening and Discussion.” CRC Research Chair in Digital Humanities, The Humanities Data Lab, University of Ottawa, The SpokenWeb, The Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada Project, University of Toronto Media Commons Archives, and The ArQuives, 10 June 2020, screening.

Tayler, Felicity, and Michael Maranda. “Desire Lines: Mapping the Metadata of Toronto Arts Publishing.” Art Gallery of York University, 26 Feb. 2021, speaker series.

Tayler, Felicity, and Michael Maranda. “Desire Lines: Mapping the Metadata of Toronto Arts Publishing.” Art Gallery of York University, 26 Mar. 2021, speaker series.

Tayler, Felicity, and Michael Maranda. “Desire Lines: Mapping the Metadata of Toronto Arts Publishing.” Art Gallery of York University, 30 Apr. 2021, speaker series.

Tayler, Felicity, and Marjorie Mitchell. “Data Curation for Communities of Sound.” SpokenWeb Symposium: Resonant Practices in Communities of Sound, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 30 May 2019.

Tayler, Felicity. “Making Research Data Public.” Tech Talk Series, AMP Lab, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Kelowna, Apr. 2019, presentation.

Tayler, Felicity. “Visualizing Toronto Imaginaries: Magazines and Metadata.” E.P. Taylor Library & Archives, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Oct. 2018.

Sayers, Jentery. “Spaces for Media Praxis.” Western Canadian Deans of Graduate Studies Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC, 21 Feb. 2020.

Sayers, Jentery. “Pedagogies for Contemporary Media and Fiction.” Hartwick College, 2021.

Velasco, Rodrigo. “Spoken Code.” Concordia University, LB-314.00, Montreal, QC, 27 Sept. 2019.

Shearer, Karis. “Tech Talks: Teaching with Twine.” UBC Okanagan, BCAMP Lab (Fip 251), 1 Nov. 2018.

du Plessis, Klara. “Deep Curation: Experiments in Poetry Reading Curation.” Concordia University, 4th SPACE, Montreal, QC, 7 Nov. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Reading with Ears: Digital Audio Books in a Cultural and Institutional Perspective with Iben Have.” Concordia University, EV 11.705, Montreal, QC, 8 Nov. 2019.

O’Driscoll, Mike. “Media Affordances of Literary Audio.” Old Arts 3-47 (The SSI Offices), Edmonton, AB, 7 Nov. 2018.

Shearer, Karis and Deanna Fong. “Listening for Labour: Feminist Close Listening in the Literary Audio Archive.” McGill University, Peel 3487 Seminar Room, Montreal, QC, 6 Feb. 2020.

Shearer, Karis. “Feminist Close Listening in SpokenWeb Literary Audio Collections.” Queen Mary University, London, UK, 12 Feb. 2020.

Jason Camlot, Lytle Shaw and Orchid Tierny. “Building on the Archive,” [panel presentation], University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1 November 2018.

Camlot, Jason. “Developing Research Partnerships,” [workshop] QUESCREN Forum: Minority Community Vitality through Education, Concordia University, 29 October 2018.

Jason Camlot, Annie Murray, Michael O’Driscoll, Karis Shearer and Darren Wershler. “Digital and Archival Practice: SpokenWeb and Irish Poetry Reading Archive,”  Text/Sound/Performance: Making in Canadian Space, University College Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 April 2019.

Camlot, Jason.“Media Affordances of Literary Audio,” Sound Session for the Sound Studies Initiative, University of Alberta,  Edmonton, 7 November 2018.

Jason Camlot, Tomasz Neugebauer and Jared Wiercinski. “SpokenWeb: Metadata Scheme and Cataloguing Process,” Séance de travail de members du CRIHN, Université de Montréal, 15 February 2019.

Literary Events

Ferrier, Ian. “The Words and Music Show.” Virtual Public Event, Concordia University, 29 Mar. 2020, https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/j/3772249115.

Ferrier, Ian. “The Words & Music Online for the C(r)oolest Month.” Virtual Public Event, 19 Apr. 2020.

du Plessis, Klara, Aaron Boothby, Canisia Lubrin, and Erin Robinson. Deep Curation: A Poetry Reading. Mile End Poets’ Festival, Resonance Café, Montreal, QC, 25 Nov. 2018.

Camlot, Jason and Ian Ferrier. “SpokenWeb Words and Music Show.” Virtual Conversation, 19 July 2020.

McLeod, Katherine. Ghost Reading Series: Ted Berrigan (1970). Concordia University, LB-671.05, 4 Dec. 2018.

Aubin, Mathieu and Deanna Fong. “Re-Opening Doors into Vancouver’s Strathcona Neighbourhood.” Virtual Conversation, 5 May 2021.

McLeod, Katherine. Ghost Reading Series: James Wright (1968). Concordia University, LB-671.05, 13 Dec. 2018.

Kellough, Kaie, Jason Sharp, Kevin Lo. “Listening, Sound, Agency Literary Event – Debut of Small Stones.” Virtual Performance, 22 May 2021.

Camlot, Jason and Ian Ferrier. “Listening, Sound, Agency Performance Event – Words & Music Show.” Virtual Performance, 23 May 2021.

Shearer, Karis. “Performing the Archive: An Epic Reading.” UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, BC, AMP Lab (Fip 251), 14 Dec. 2018.

Ferrier, Ian. The SpokenWeb Show. Casa del Popolo, Montreal, QC, 16 Dec. 2018.

McLeod, Katherine. Ghost Reading Series: Muriel Rukeyser (Jan. 24, 1969). Concordia University, LB-671.05, 24 Jan. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. Séance de Travail des Membres du CRIHN 2018-2019. Université de Montréal, Salle C-2059, Carrefour des arts et des sciences, 15 Feb. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. Ghost Reading Series: Andrews Schroeder & Maxine Gadd (Feb. 18, 1972). Concordia University, 4TH SPACE, 18 Feb. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. Ghost Reading Series: Robin Blaser (Mar. 28, 1969). Concordia University, Webster Library (LB-205), Montreal, QC, 28 Mar. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “A Poetry Listening with Robert Hogg.” Concordia University, Richler Library (LB 655), Montreal, QC, 11 Apr. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. Sounding the City – A Reading by and Conversation with Kaie Kellough. Concordia University, Hall Building (H561), Montreal, QC, 12 Apr. 2019.

du Plessis, Klara. Deep Curation with Blue Met Literary Festival. Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival, Hôtel 10, Salle Godin, 3 May 2019.

Ferrier, Ian. The Words and Music Show. Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival, Hôtel 10, Salle Godin, 4 May 2019.

Fong, Deanna, Jason Camlot, and Katherine McLeod. Performing the Archive: A Remix @ Blue Met Festival. Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival, La Vitrola, Montreal, QC, 5 May 2019.

Mash, Cole, host. “The Politics and Poetics of Mediated Sound: Abel, Avasilichioaei, Scott, and Starnes.” The SpokenWeb Symposium 2019, David Mowafaghian World Arts Centre, Vancouver, BC, 30 May 2019.

Shearer, Karis. “Performing the Archive: An Epic Reading.” UBC Okanagan, The AMP Lab (Fipke 251), Kelowna, BC, 12 Sept. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Clipping the Poetry Series: Selections from the Sir George Williams Poetry Series, 1965-1974.” Concordia University Webster Library, December-January 2018-2019.

Camlot, Jason. Poetry Matters, Zoom, 11 June 2020.

“Performing the Archive: A remix.” Live performance of spoken audio composition, tape manipulation and dance. Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival event, La Vitrola, Montreal. 5 May 2019.

Camlot, Jason, Klara du plessis, Deanna Fong, and Katherine McLeod. Deep Curation Event, 4th Space, Concordia University, Montreal, 14 Feb. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. Words & Music Show, Casa Del Popolo, Montreal, 16 Dec. 2018.

Camlot, Jason. Les Cabarets Bâtards, Mainline Theatre, Montreal, 9 Feb. 2018.

du plessis, Klara. Curated Deep Curation Poetry Reading Performance, Playwrights’ Theatre, Boston University, 2020.

du plessis, Klara. Curated Deep Curation Poetry Reading, 4th Space, Concordia University, Montreal, 2019.

du plessis, Klara. Curated Deep Curation Poetry Reading, International Blue Metropolis Literary Festival, Montreal, 2019.

du plessis, Klara. Curated Deep Curation Poetry Reading, 4th Space, Concordia University, Montreal, 2019.

du plessis, Klara. Curated Deep Curation Poetry Reading, Knife Fork Bookstore, Toronto, 2018.

du plessis, Klara. Curated Deep Curation Poetry Reading, Mile End Poets’ Festival, Resonance Café, Montreal, 2018.

Wiercinski, Jared. “Libraries as Listening Spaces.” Webster Library Entrance Sound Installation, Jan. 2018-Apr. 2020.

Paré, Faith. The Words and Music Show: Online Edition, Zoom, Aug. 2020.

McLeod, Katherine. “Performing the Archive: The Daphne Marlatt with Special Guest Sari Dale.” UBC Okanagan, Milkcrate Records, 527 Lawrence Ave., Kelowna, BC, 19 Sept. 2019.

Paré, Faith. The Words and Music Show: Online Edition, Zoom, Feb. 2021.

Paré, Faith. Black Writers Out Loud: Spoken Word Edition, Quebec Writers’ Federation, Montreal/Zoom, 2021.

Paré, Faith. Black Writers Out Loud Sunday. Quebec Writers’ Federation and Wired on Words, Casa Del Popolo, Montreal/Zoom, 2021.

McLeod, Katherine, and Jason Camlot and Deanna Fong.  “Clipping the Poetry Series: Selections from the Sir George Williams Poetry Series, 1965-1974.” Concordia University Webster Library, Dec. 2018-Jan. 2019. Audio Exhibit.

McLeod, Katherine. “SpokenWeb Listening Practice: Listening for Hope.” Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival, Online, 29 Apr. 2021.

McLeod, Katherine. “Unarchiving.” Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival, Online, 29 Apr. 2021.

McLeod, Katherine and Emily Murphy. “An Archival Remix.” Modernist Studies Association, Toronto, 18 Oct. 2019. Invited Performance.

McLeod, Katherine and Jason Camlot. “Performing the Archive: A Remix.” Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival, Montreal, 5 May 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. Performing Technology. SpokenWeb, 4th Space, Concordia University, 14 Nov. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Sounding the City: A Reading by Kaie Kellough.” Writers Read and SpokenWeb, ENGL 244, Concordia University, Montreal, 12 Apr. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “The Ghost Reading Series.” SpokenWeb, 2018-2019.

Mash, Cole. The Words and Music Show, Montreal/Zoom, 19 July 2020.

Camlot, Jason, Ian Ferrier, Andrew Roberge, Ali Barillaro, Rodrigo Velasco. “The Words and Music Show: Performing the Archive.” Concordia University, 4th SPACE, Montreal, QC, 10 Oct. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Performing Technology: SpokenWeb Presents Oana Avasilichioaei.” Concordia University, 4th SPACE, Montreal, QC, 14 Nov. 2019.

Kondratenko, Yuliya. “Bodies in Lyric with Tanya Evanson.” Concordia University, 4th SPACE, Montreal, QC, 31 Jan. 2020.

Camlot, Jason, Klara du Plessis, Deanna Fong, Katherine McLeod, “Deep Curation Event,” 4TH Space, Concordia University, Montreal, 14 February 2019.

Camlot, Jason and Katherine McLeod,  “Performing the Archive: A Remix,” [Poetry Reading and Panel Discussion] Blue Metropolis Festival, La Vitrola, Montreal, 5 May 2019.

Camlot, Jason, Klara du Plessis, Ian Ferrier, Katherine McLeod, “Words & Music Show” Casa Del Popolo, Montreal, 16 December 2018.


Camlot, Jason, Deanna Fong, Katherine McLeod. “Clipping the Poetry Series: Selections from the Sir George Williams Poetry Series, 1965-1974,” Concordia University Webster Library, December-January  2018-2019.

Workshops and Listening Practices

Roberge, Andrew. “Listening Practice Group: ‘Transmasculinity, Voice, Voicing.’” Concordia University, LB 655, Montreal, QC, 4 Mar. 2020.

Mercier, Samuel. “Listening Practice Group: Listening Without Sound – The Question of Tone in Genocidal Poetics.” Concordia University, LB 655, Montreal, QC, 11 Mar. 2020.

Sterne, Jonathan. “Virtual Listening Practice Group: Listening to Pitch-Shifted Singing (Before Auto-Tune).” Virtual Listening Practice, Concordia University, 1 Apr. 2020.

du Plessis, Klara. “Virtual Listening Practice Group: Listening to Improvisation.” Virtual Listening Practice, 15 Apr. 2020.

Shearer, Karis and Caitlin Voth. “Press Play Workshop: Media Buttons.” UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, BC, AMP Lab (Fip 251), 22 Nov. 2018.

Wiercinski, Jared. “Virtual Listening Practice: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Public Sound Art.” Virtual Listening Practice, 22 Apr. 2020.

Tayler, Felicity and Mathieu Aubin. “Virtual Listening Practice: Lesbian Liberation Across Media – Listening to Video.” Virtual Listening Practice, 29 Apr. 2020.

Shearer, Karis and Amy Thiessen. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 6 May 2020.

Feaster, Patrick. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 13 May 2020.

Copeland, Stacey. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 20 May 2020.

Roberge, Andrew. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 27 May 2020.

Mcgregor, Hannah. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 3 June 2020.

Sayers, Jentery. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 10 June 2020.

Beauchesne, Nick. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 17 June 2020.

High, Steven. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 8 July 2020.

High, Steven. “Oral History Workshop with Steven High, Mathieu Aubin, and Samuel Mercier.” Virtual Conversation, 9 July 2020.

Seubert, David. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 15 July 2020.

SpokenWeb Network. “SpokenWeb All Team Meeting with a Focus on Collections.” Virtual Conversation, 17 July 2020.

Shearer, Karis, Sari Dale, and Caitlin Voth. “Press Play Workshop: Chapbooks.” UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, BC, AMP Lab (Fip 251), 29 Nov. 2018.

Clement, Tanya. “AudiAnnotate Workshop.” Virtual Conversation, 22 July 2020.

Miya, Chelsea. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 22 July 2020.

SpokenWeb Network. “Student Research Showcase (Lightning Talks).” Virtual Conversation, 22 July 2020.

Camlot, Jason and Tomasz Neugebauer. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 30 Sept. 2020.

Paré, Faith. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 20 Oct. 2020.

du Plessis, Klara. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 18 Nov. 2020.

Luyk, Sean. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 25 Nov. 2020.

McLeod, Katherine. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 27 Jan. 2021.

Filreis, Al. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 17 Feb. 2021.

Funk, Julie. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 24 Feb. 2021.

Fong, Deanna. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 3 Mar. 2021.

Telaro, Emma. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 17 Mar. 2021.

Tarnawsky, Amgus. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 14 Apr. 2021.

Camlot, Jason and Katherine McLeod. “Listening for Hope in the Archives.” Virtual Listening Practice, 21 Apr. 2021.

Tarnawsky, Amgus. “Listening, Sound, Agency Workshop – Noticing, Noting and Notating Sound.” Virtual Workshop, 19 May 2021.

Aubin, Mathieu and Deanna Fong. “Summer Sound Institute Workshop #1: Oral Literary History Workshop – Provenance and Informational Interviews.” Virtual Workshop, 26 May 2021.

Binkley, Peter. “Summer Sound Institute Workshop #2: An Introduction to IIIF.” Virtual Workshop, 3 June 2021.

Clement, Tanya E., Bethany Radcliff, and Kylie Warkentin. “Summer Sound Institute Workshop #3: AudiAnnotate in the Classroom.” Virtual Workshop, 17 June 2021.

McGregor, Hannah and Judee Burr. “Summer Sound Institute Workshop #4: Scholarly Podcasting.” Virtual Workshop, 29 June 2021.

Cubon, Kelly, Meghan Butchart, and Judee Burr. “Summer Sound Institute Workshop #5: Podcasting Transcription in SpokenWeb and Beyond.” Workshop, 26 July 2021.

Murray, Annie, Jason Camlot, Paige Hohmann, and Mike O’Driscoll. “Summer Sound Institute Workshop #6: Rights Management with the SpokenWeb RM Task Force.” Workshop, 27 July 2021.

Luyk, Sean and Chelsea Miya. “Summer Sound Institute Workshop #7: Audio Clean-Up with SOX.” Workshop, 28 July 2021.

Mash, Cole. “Summer Sound Institute Workshop #8: SpokenWeb Research Showcase.” Workshop, 29 July 2021.

Bourne, Anne. “Virtual Listening Practice.” Virtual Listening Practice, 29 Sept. 2021.

Mash, Cole. “Community Task Force Documentation Workshop.” Workshop, 13 Oct. 2021.

Kondratenko, Yuliya. “Project Management Fundamentals for Immediate Application #1.” Concordia University, Webster Library (LB-322), 21 Feb. 2019.

Kondratenko, Yuliya. “Project Management Fundamentals for Immediate Application #2.” Concordia University, Webster Library (LB-322), 5 Mar. 2019.

Camlot, Jason, Mathieu Aubin, Ali Barillaro, Emma Telaro, Yuliya Kondratenko, Andrew Roberge, Samuel Mercier, Jonathan Sterne, Katherine McLeod, Klara DuPlessis, Jared Wiercinski, Felicity Tayler, Karis Shearer, Amy Thiessen, Patrick Feaster, Stacey Copeland, Hannah MacGregor, Jentery Sayers, Steven High, Nick Neauchesne, David Seubert, Chelsea Miya, Tomasz Neugebauer, Faith Pare, and Sean Luyk. SpokenWeb Listening Practice Series, Zoom Events, Montreal, Jan.-Dec. 2020, 22 distinct listening practice events.

Camlot, Jason. “First Thoughts on Timbre.” SpokenWeb Listening Practice Series, Zoom, Montreal, 22 Jan. 2020, talk and listening practice.

Camlot, Jason. “Listening Practice 2019 Synthesis, and Listening to the Poetry by Memory Recordings.” SpokenWeb Listening Practice Series, Concordia University, Montreal, 4 Dec. 2020.

Camlot, Jason. “Developing Research Partnerships.” QUESCREN Forum: Minority Community Vitality through Education, Concordia University, Montreal, 29 Oct. 2018, workshop.

Aubin, Mathieu, Steven High, and Samuel Mercier. “Oral History.” Concordia University, Montreal, QC, 9 July 2020, workshop.

Aubin, Mathieu, and Felicity Tayler. “Lesbian Liberation Across Media.” Workshop, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, 29 Apr. 2020.

Wiercinski, Jared. “The Ethics and Aesthetics of Public Sound Art: Virtual Listening Practice.” 22 Apr. 2020, listening practice.

Paré, Faith. “Black Noise: Poetics of Afro-Congregation.” Zoom, 21 Oct. 2020, listening practice.

McLeod, Katherine. “Virtual Listening Practice: A Virtual Ghost Reading.” Online, 27 Jan. 2021.

Telaro, Emma. “On the Revolutionary Letters.” SpokenWeb, Mar. 2021, listening practice.

Telaro, Emma. “Women, Silence, and the Confessional Voice.” Concordia University, Montreal, Feb. 2020, listening practice and workshop.

Camlot, Jason, and Tomasz Neugebauer. “Listening to Literary Video: A Listening Practice on Descriptive Horizons and Parameters.” SpokenWeb, 30 Sept. 2020, listening practice.

Neugebauer, Tomasz. “WikiData/WikiPedia Workshop with ARCMTL.” Concordia University, Montreal, 5 Mar. 2020, workshop.

Neugebauer, Tomasz. “SpokenWeb WikiData.” Listening Practice, Richler Library, Concordia University, Montreal, 20 Nov. 2019, listening practice.

McFee, Brian, J. Lee, and J. Nam. “ISMIR Tutorial on Metric Learning for Music Information Retrieval.” 2020.

McFee, Brian, and Tanya Clement. “Introduction to Sound Analysis Workshop.” Association for Computers and the Humanities Conference, 2019, workshop.

McFee, Brian. “Music Information Retrieval Workshop.” NYC AI Workshop, 2019, workshop.

McFee, Brian. “Making Efficient Use of Musical Annotations.” Machine Learning for Music Discovery Workshop, ICML, Long Beach, 2019, workshop.

Dowson, Rebecca. “Digital Identities: Developing Your Online Academic Presence.” Modern Language Association Convention, Seattle, 2020, workshop.

Dowson, Rebecca. “On Campus Services & Spaces for Digital Scholarship.” Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, 2019, workshop.

Dowson, Rebecca, Deanna Fong, Jakob Knudsen, Linara Kosolova, Michelle Levy, Cole Mash, Kim O’Donnell, Tony Power, Melissa Salrin, Catherine Louie. The SpokenWeb Sound Institute 2019. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Campus, Bennett Library, Vancouver, BC, 29 May 2019.

Battershill, C., C. Colligan, Rebecca Dowson, and Michelle Levy. “DH Fieldwork Methods Workshop.” Digital Humanities Summer Institute, Victoria, June 2018.

O’Driscoll, Michael. “Digitization and Archival Practices.” Text / Sound / Performance: Making in Canadian Space, University College Dublin, 27-29 Apr. 2019, masterclass seminar.

Luyk, Sean. “Listening to Vocal Production: SpokenWeb Through Lomax’s Cantometrics.” SpokenWeb Virtual Listening Practices Series Session, 25 Nov. 2020, lecture.

Luyk, Sean. “Audio 101.” Workshop for the University of Alberta Digital Scholarship Centre’s Digital Scholarship 101 Series, Nov. 2019, workshop.

Rockwell, Geoffrey, and Kaylin Land. “Using Voyant Tools with Spyral Notebooks for Text Analysis.” Ryerson DH Workbench Drop-In, online, Mar. 2021, workshop.

“Remediation, Research Creation, and the Undergraduate Researcher.” Digitization and Archival Practices Master Class: Education and Outreach, University College Dublin, 27 Apr. 2019.

MacArthur, Marit. “Doing Voice Studies.” Workshop & Lecture, D-Lab, University of California, Berkeley, 8 Apr. 2019, workshop.

Shearer, Karis. “Press Play Workshop: Tender Buttons.” Kelowna, BC, AMP Lab (Fip 251), 25 Oct. 2018.

Tayler, Felicity, and Mathieu Aubin. “Virtual Listening Practice: Lesbian Liberation Across Media: Listening to Video.” SpokenWeb Partnership, online, 29 Apr. 2020, workshop.

Tayler, Felicity, and Marjorie Mitchell. “Data Curation for Communities of Sound: A Speculative Workshop.” OLA SuperConference, Toronto, 30 Jan. 2020, workshop.

Clement, Tanya. “AudiAnnotate Workshop.” Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, May 2020, workshop.

Clement, Tanya. “AudiAnnotate Workshop.” Digital Humanities Conference, Ottawa, July 2020, workshop.

Clement, Tanya. “AudiAnnotate Text Annotation Workshop.” Harry Ransom Center, Nov. 2019, workshop.

Clement, Tanya. “Digital Audio Archives Workshop.” Historical Poetics Now Conference, University of Texas, Austin, Nov. 2019, workshop.

Clement, Tanya. “Introduction to Sound Analysis Workshop.” Bi-Annual Conference Association for Computers in the Humanities, Pittsburgh, July 2019, workshop.

Clement, Tanya. “Introduction to Sound Analysis Workshop.” SpokenWeb Sound Institute, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, May 2019, workshop.

Sayers, Jentery. “Low-Tech Approaches to Digital Research.” U.S. NEH Office of Digital Humanities Institute on ‘Textual Data and Digital Texts in the Undergraduate Classroom’, Louisiana State University, 26 Feb. 2019, workshop.

Sayers, Jentery, Karis Shearer, and Michelle Levy. “SpokenWeb Pedagogy.” SpokenWeb Institute, Simon Fraser University, 27–31 May 2019, workshop.

Obodoechina, Chelsea. “Listening Practice Group: Disciplinary Listening – Does Literature Have an Audile Technique?” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 18 Sept. 2019.

Sayers, Jentery. “Delia Derbyshire: A Listening Session.” Hosted by SpokenWeb and Jason Camlot, Concordia University, 10 June 2020, listening session.

Funk, Julie. “Literary Machine Listening.” UVic Graduate Students in English and CSPT, 2020, workshop.

Funk, Julie. “Literary Machine Listening.” SpokenWeb, 2021, workshop.

du Plessis, Klara. “Listening Practice Group: Listening to a Deep Curation Poetry Reading – Experiments in Literary Events.” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 25 Sept. 2019.

Velasco, Rodrigo. “Listening Practice Group: Listening to Student Activism in Mexico City.” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 2 Oct. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “SpokenWeb Listening Party.” Concordia University, AmpLab, Montreal, QC, 7 Oct. 2019.

Roberge, Andrew. “Listening Practice Group: ‘The Voice Update as Genre.’” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 9 Oct. 2019.

Mercier, Samuel. “Listening Practice Group: Nationalized Listening – The Imagined Communities of Quebec Poetry Readings.” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 16 Oct. 2019.

Kondratenko, Yuliya. “Listening Practice Group: What Do We Listen for – Structure or Meaning?” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 23 Oct. 2019.

Barillaro, Ali. “Listening Practice Group: ‘…Only, We Don’t Do That’ – Applause and the Poetry Reading.” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 30 Oct. 2019.

Shearer, Karis. “Colab Pop Up: The Amp Lab.” Kelowna, BC, 1405 St Paul St #201, 6 Nov. 2018.

Wershler, Darren. “Listening Practice Group: Listening to Remediations of Game Sound.” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 6 Nov. 2019.

Kondratenko, Yuliya. “Deep Listening Workshop with Anne Bourne.” Concordia University, Acts of Listening Lab (LB 1042-03), Montreal, QC, 8 Nov. 2019.

McLeod, Katherine. “Listening Practice Group: Listening as Making.” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 13 Nov. 2019.

Neugebauer, Tomasz and Aida Eftekhari. “Listening Practice Group: Listening to the Sounds of WikiData.” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 20 Nov. 2019.

du Plessis, Klara and Katherine McLeod. “Listening Practice Group: Listening to Podcasts.” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 27 Nov. 2019.

Camlot, Jason. “Listening Practice Group: Listening Practice Synthesis and Listening to the Poetry by Memory Recordings.” Concordia University, LB 646, Montreal, QC, 4 Dec. 2019.

Shearer, Karis and Caitlin Voth. “Press Play Workshop: Tape Surgery.” Kelowna, BC, AMP Lab (Fip 251), 8 Nov. 2018.

Camlot, Jason. “Listening Practice Group: First Thoughts on Timbre.” Concordia University, LB 655, Montreal, QC, 22 Jan. 2020.

Aubin, Mathieu. “Listening Practice Group Guided by Mathieu Aubin – Listening Queerly.” Concordia University, LB 655, Montreal, QC, 29 Jan. 2020.

Barillaro, Ali. “Listening Practice Group: Sound and Silence in Horror.” Concordia University, LB 655, Montreal, QC, 5 Feb. 2020.

Telaro, Emma. “Listening Practice Group: Women, Silence, and Confessional Voice.” Concordia University, LB 655, Montreal, QC, 12 Feb. 2020.

Kondratenko, Yuliya and David Clark. “Listening Practice Group: Listening to the AMSR Triggers.” Concordia University, LB-314.00, Montreal, QC, 19 Feb. 2020.