00:00:03 |
SpokenWeb Intro |
[Audio recording] Oh, boy. Can you hear me? Don’t know how much projection to do here. |
00:00:18 |
Hannah McGregor |
What does literature sound like? What stories will we hear if we listen to the archive?
Welcome to the SpokenWeb podcast stories about how literature sounds.
My name is Hannah McGregor. |
00:00:36 |
Katherine McLeod |
And my name is Katherine McLeod. And each month we’ll be bringing you different stories that explore the intersections of sound, poetry, literature and history created by scholars, poets, students and artists from across Canada.
In this episode of the SpokenWeb, podcast producer Jason Camlot explores the affordances of sound design for the presence of presentation of scholarly research about literary audio. The raw audio material for this episode was recorded at an event, a sounding of the special issue of English Studies in Canada called “New Sonic Approaches in Literary Studies.”
It was recorded live in the room and online on zoom and with mics placed all around the room and even outside. But what you are about to hear is so much more than that live recording of the event you are about to hear.
A new sound work.
A new sound work that performs an exploration of the possibilities of working in and with sound.
Archival voices and found sounds haunt, taunt and disrupt. Parallel temporal situations compete with each other. Time is sped and stretched. Speech and vocal timbre are mimicked and manipulated. One mode of meaning is lost, while the potential for new meanings and feeling making in sonic scholarly production are amplified for the listener’s consideration and pleasure.
Here is episode five of season six of the SpokenWeb podcast: Sounding New Sonic Approaches, a podcast of a live recording session of a journal issue located in multiple spaces and temporal dimensions.
[SpokenWeb theme song starts playing] |
00:02:28 |
Different Recordings Edited Together |
[Chaotic overlapping voices, testing microphones]
Voice 1: Hello? Can you hear me?
Voice 2: I hope you can hear me.
Voice 1: Test, test, test.
Voice 3: If you can’t hear me, I think there are more seats up here.
Voice 4: I’ll try to speak a little louder on my own.
Voice 5: Is it hard to hear back there?
Voice 6: Even with the microphone?
[Multiple voices testing simultaneously]
Voice 1: Test, test, test.
Voice 4: There we go.
Voice 5: If I talk louder into the mic, does that help?
Voice 6: Can you hear that?
Voice 3: It’s hard to tell.
Voice 2: Hello? Can you hear me now?
Voice 4: Is it still hard to hear back there?
Voice 1: Hello? Can you hear me with this mic?
Voice 5: Can you hear me now?
Voice 6: Y’all hear me?
[Laughter, sound stabilizing] |
00:03:13 |
Douglas Moffat |
[Regular audio resumes, background instrumental music begins]
Okay. Hello, everyone. I’m just going to start things up here. Thank you very much.
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Concordia University’s Fourth Space. Thank you for joining us for today’s event, Sounding New Sonic Approaches.
[Soft instrumental music continues in the background]
To help situate you, we are streaming this event live on YouTube from Fourth Space, here on Unceded Indigenous Lands in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal.
We are also running this event as a live-streamed Zoom meeting—though, as you may have already noticed, this is a bit of an unusual setup for us.
With that, it is my pleasure to hand things over to the editors of New Sonic Approaches in Literary Studies, Jason Camlot and Katherine McLeod.
Welcome, both of you. Over to you. |
00:03:57 |
Katherine McLeod |
Welcome to Sounding New Sonic Approaches, a live recording session.
We are recording this event here at Fourth Space at Concordia University and online on Zoom. And we’re live with an audience.
Welcome, everyone! Let’s hear a round of applause.
The idea behind today’s event is to create a spoken sound work drawn from our collective special issue of English Studies in Canada. Each contributor will sound their article—either by reading an excerpt from their piece in the journal or by selecting surrogate sounds that capture the essence of their discussion.
[Scattered clapping, sound cues shifting in the background] |
00:04:50 |
Jason Camlot |
The sounds of speech—whether spoken through microphones, over Zoom, or pre-recorded and played back through Zoom—will be layered through multiple outputs.
[Jason’s voice subtly shifts as different sound devices are introduced]
These sounds will be played through a variety of speakers, both inside and outside Fourth Space.
[A mechanical whirring sound begins in the background]
The audio from these various sources will be captured and sent to a mixing desk, where SpokenWeb audio engineer James Healy will be recording everything on multiple tracks using an RME Fireface digital converter.
This will then be used to create a new sonic approaches sound work, which Katherine and I will be producing as a SpokenWeb podcast episode from today’s performance.
[Persistent clapping continues in the background]
So, that’s the basic idea. Think of this event as a big poetry reading, or maybe an open mic collaborative performance, or even a kind of literary sonic manifesto—but one that’s being recorded from a variety of sources, in multi-track layers.
Special thanks to James Healy, Douglas Moffett, and the Fourth Space team for helping bring this event to life and for creatively reimagining how to record it. |
00:05:59 |
Katherine McLeod |
[Katherine’s voice echoes, slightly distant]
We have a set list for our readers—[Sudden distorted noise cuts in]
—which also serves as the table of contents for the special issue.
[Echo fades out, sound stabilizes]
When it is your turn, please state your name and the title of your article before reading. Keep it brief, and we’ll smoothly move from one reader to the next.
[Brief pause]
With that—let’s begin.
Start recording.
Sounding New Sonic Approaches, take one. |
00:06:26 |
Katherine and Jason |
[Voices overlapping, slightly out of sync]
Rolling, rolling, rolling. |
00:06:30 |
Jason Camlot |
My name is Jason Camlot– |
00:06:32 |
Katherine McLeod |
and I’m Katherine McLeod– |
00:06:34 |
Jason Camlot |
and we will be reading from– |
00:06:37 |
Katherine McLeod |
Introduction New Sonic Approaches in Literary Studies. |
00:06:43 |
Jason Camlot |
[Jason’s voice echoes, layered and resonant]
The sound of literature is now discernible as never before.[Echo fades, voice stabilizes]
This emerging discernibility—inciting new sonic approaches to literature—is due, in the first instance, to digitized audio assets and online environments that have made previously analog collections of literary recordings more accessible and valuable for research and study.
[A soft whirring sound begins in the background]
Beyond this infrastructural shift, the heightened discernibility of sonic approaches to literary culture has come from a recent interaction and convergence of methods between literary studies and sound studies as a broad interdisciplinary field.
[The whirring sound grows louder, filling the space] |
00:07:23 |
Katherine McLeod |
Our Call for Papers for this special issue of English Studies in Canada invited submissions that pursue sound-focused studies of literary works, events, and performances—exploring the intersections between literary studies and sound studies.
From the outset, we framed literature as an intentionally expansive concept, one that has shaped the diverse case studies featured in this collection—ranging from archival objects to live performances.
[Katherine’s voice begins to distort, subtly warping]
The authors whose work we received and selected for this issue embody this diversity in their approaches.
[Distortion fades, voice stabilizes]
In asking our contributors to—or rather—[laughs]—in asking them to be…
[Soft whirring begins again, subtly shifting in the background]
…thinking sonically, as we put it, we challenged them to write from their perspectives as listeners.
In other words, we asked them to conflate literary studies and sound studies—to do literary sound studies—while critically reflecting on what it means to listen within the context of their discipline.
[Whirring fades into silence] |
00:08:28 |
Jason Camlot |
This is Jason Camlot again, and Annie Murray will be joining me.
Annie, do you want to say hi? |
00:08:35 |
Annie Murray |
Hi. |
00:08:37 |
Jason Camlot |
Darren Wershler can’t be with us today, but we three are the co-authors of an article called The Afterlife of Performance.
[Sound of cymbals and drums from a ritual chant]
The afterlife of performance—
[Cymbal sound repeats, layered with an eerie resonance]
—is riddled with assumptions about life, death, and time.
[Another cymbal strike, now accompanied by a distant, guttural yell]
One major assumption is the possibility of distinction between the live—
[Cymbal strike reverberates]
—and something else. Not so much death—
[Cymbal clangs again, layered with rising tension]
—but an afterlifeness, shaped by various theorizations of media in what we might call the Age of the Zombie.
[Cymbal clang echoes, now joined by chaotic grunts and shouts of exertion]
But we’re not so much interested in how particular instantiations of liveness are produced.
Rather, we’re examining how the afterlife of performance is produced, managed, and maintained—through the application of various cultural techniques.
[The sound of rhythmic clattering, like a drum being struck]
A network of people, using specific hardware, capturing performance in a particular space, on particular kinds of storage media—
[Drum strike repeats, layered with subtle distortions]
—along with techniques such as mastering—
[Drum beat sharpens]
—editing, filing, labeling—
[The sound repeats, layered with an accelerating intensity]
—holding (that is, long periods of neglecting), digitizing, remastering, and circulating—
[The rhythmic pulse builds, overlapping voices chanting and talking]
—all working together to produce our sense of the relative worth of a recording.
A recording of another group of people—chanting, talking, reading.
[Clattering intensifies, layered with cheers and echoes of past voices]
If we examine this assemblage closely, we can see its inner workings—the mechanism that produces literary value.
[Final crescendo, then silence] |
00:10:13 |
Annie Murray |
I’m Annie Murray, also reading from The Afterlife of Performance.
Only some of the materials that document poetic practice in the late 1960s have ever crossed the formal archival threshold.
Others have been ignored, lost, or destroyed.
[Faint background noise begins, like shifting paper and distant murmurs]
Some, like the Sir George Williams University series, only became formal institutional records after a chance discovery, followed by validation through concerted scholarly and institutional effort.
[The background noise grows slightly, a textured hum of archival handling]
Being attuned to the concept of the archival multiverse allows us to rationalize the messiness—the expanse, duplication, and incompleteness of literary legacy, especially for event-driven records.
And finally, we can see the role of the Web—how it makes archival content both ubiquitous and messy, introducing new complexities in preservation.
Thinking in a multiverse way allows us to layer and intersect poetic events, poets, and their literary and geographical movements, as well as the movement and proliferation of evidentiary traces of their work.
It invites us to gain comfort with a decentralized model of both preservation and dissemination.
[A whispered echo repeats:]
“…preservation and dissemination.” |
00:11:35 |
Jason Camlot |
Next will be Julia Polyck-O’Neill.
[Distant echo repeats:]
“Next will be Julia Polyck-O’Neill.” |
00:11:46 |
Audio Recording |
[Applause erupts, transitioning into a recorded voice]
[Recording of a woman:]
“Thanks a lot, Louis, and thanks, everybody, for coming.” |
00:11:50 |
Julia Polyck-O’Neill |
Hi there, I’m Julia Polyck-O’Neill.
I’m reading from my article, Archives, Intimacy: Encountering the Sound Subject in the Literary Archive. |
00:11:59 |
Jason Camlot |
[Faint echo, layered and reverberating]
“Next will be Julia Polyck-O’Neill.” |
00:12:01 |
Julia Polyck-O’Neill |
While researching Robertson—
[A sharp mechanical hum begins, like an electric current surging]
—meaning Lisa Robertson at SFU, I inquired about the different media available in their collections that might allow me to better access Robertson’s—
[More mechanical noise, layered with a subtle distortion]
—personal feminist networks, a key topic in my work.
I’m particularly interested in materials related to poet, curator, and organizer Nancy Shaw, a scholar responsible for many changes in KSW’s operations, especially in its connections to Artspeak, a Vancouver artist-run center.
[The mechanical noise persists, a rhythmic pulsing of archived media playback]
During our time working together, Robertson repeatedly stressed the importance of looking into Shaw’s work within KSW and Artspeak, and more broadly, given my focus on how KSW intersected with the Vancouver art world and the group’s feminist activity.
[The machine sound fades, leaving an ambient electronic hum] |
00:12:29 |
Julia Polyck-O’Neill |
[Julia’s voice echoes]
During our time working together, Robertson repeatedly stressed the importance of looking into Shaw’s work within KSW and Artspeak, and more broadly, given my interest in how KSW intersected— [Voice distortion]—with the Vancouver art world and the group’s feminist activity. |
00:12:45 |
Julia Polyck-O’Neill |
Presented with a box of tapes from the Kootenay School of Writing—[whirring sound]—fonds, also held at SFU, I selected the hand-annotated tapes bearing Robertson’s name, as well as those of Shaw, which only roughly corresponded with the finding aid. |
00:12:58 |
Julia Polyck-O’Neill |
[Julia’s voice echoes]
It was explained that the tapes had been annotated somewhat ad hoc over the years. [Voice stabilizes] Again, the experience was heightened and singular—[whirring sound]—made even more so by the privacy of the listening space. Putting on a pair of ear-covering headphones, I pressed play on the first tape—only to realize it had to be rewound first.
[Background noise]
All of these attributes build momentum for the initial moments of listening to—[voice echoes]—the recording. Thank you. [Applause] |
00:13:39 |
Audio Recording |
[Applause blends into an audio recording]
Thanks, Colter. Thanks, Jacqueline. This is… This is nice to be here in the living room. |
00:13:47 |
Jason Camlot |
Next, we’re going to hear a sound clip of Michael O’Driscoll reading—[sound of truck driving by] |
00:13:54 |
Michael O’Driscoll |
[Voice starts in an echo]
This essay features a reel-to-reel recording of a 1969 classroom lecture during which Canadian poet and playwright James Rainey demonstrates sound collage in relation to his celebrated 1967 play “Colours in the Dark.”
On first encountering the recording, the listener will notice—[sound of something large approaching]—the extraordinarily intrusive presence of a jackhammer, located somewhere near the classroom. |
00:14:24 |
Audio Recording |
[Audio blends into a recording with applause]
Thanks very much. I’ve already given you about a quarter of the reading on tape and gramophone. [Jackhammer begins]
And fortunately, before the jackhammer started, the first thing I played was from Karl Orff’s “Music for Children,” which begins with nursery rhymes and lists of names that children recite… |
00:16:28 |
Michael O’Driscoll |
Rainey’s equanimity in this moment is astounding. One could well imagine canceling the lecture—especially one focused on attentive listening. Rainey, however, simply absorbs the intrusive jackhammer into the performance, adopting—or adapting—the sonic dissonance into the logic of a lesson already leaning toward an appreciation of—[voice starts to echo]—the affective tension and political force of jarring oral juxtaposition. |
00:17:03 |
Katherine McLeod |
Next up, we have Mathieu Aubin.
The paper is entitled “Listening Queerly for Queer Sonic Resonances in the Poetry Series at Sir George Williams University, 1966–1971.”
[Distorted] And we’ll be listening to a recording. |
00:17:23 |
Mathieu Aubin |
A short history on queer listening.
[Faint sound of a man, poet bill bissett, singing in the background]
In the 1960s and 1970s, listening to and recording queer people from a police perspective was a means of documenting and regulating their behavior.
[Background singing increases] Surveillance efforts targeted queer writers, monitoring their activities through bugged homes, wiretaps, and infiltration of their communities. Police forces compiled this data, circulating it across networks to justify increased surveillance. |
00:18:01 |
Mathieu Aubin |
But quite the opposite—some queer writers saw listening as a form of homosocial rapprochement. Writers like Allen Ginsberg practiced a tender form of listening, using it to build queer bonds. Rather than being exploitative, tender listening was a way for queer people to connect, orient themselves toward each other, and foster solidarity. [Mathieu’s voice echoes faintly]
Similarly, some queer writers performed close listening as a practice of careful consideration—both for meaning and for social potential. |
00:19:15 |
Mathieu Aubin |
As Jack Halberstam theorizes in Queer Time, queer uses of time and space are developed according to other logics of location, movement, and identification—rather than the heteronormative life model of marriage, family, and reproduction.
[Singing momentarily increases] |
00:20:13 |
Katherine McLeod |
Jason Wiens: Voicing Appropriations: Sounding Found Poetry in 1960s Canada [Amen drum break sample plays] |
00:20:20 |
Jason Wiens |
The oral performance of found poetry adds a new layer of interpretive complexity to an already complex practice of appropriation and recontextualization.
[Fast drums continue]
However, little consideration has been given to the oral performance or audio recording of found or appropriated poetry—whether from the historical moment I discuss here or in contemporary conceptual poetry. |
00:23:25 |
Klara du Plessis |
[Voice echoes]
My name is Klara du Plessis.
[Whistling sound] I’m reading from “Do You Read Me, Kaie Kellough: The Words of Music”
[Distorted voice and whistling] |
00:23:41 |
Klara du Plessis |
[Very distorted and echoed voice] In fact, I’m not reading from my essay. In fact, I’m not. Instead, I’m reading from a handwritten scan titled Word Sound System 1: Read Part A, which is included in Kaie Kellough’s 2010 poetry collection.
[Voice becomes slightly clearer]
The piece, Maple Leaf Also Reads, instructs that letters indicated by numbers should be stressed to emphasize rhythm. The goal is to repeat until the rhythmic pattern is understood.
[Layered voices overlapping]
[Voice becomes more coherent]
Each component follows a logical continuation.
Sorry, the notes are confusing.
Each component is a continuation of the previous—and once they are strung together, they form a tidy loop that can repeat infinitely. |
00:25:48 |
Jason Camlot |
Thanks, Klara. That’s the first cover of a Kaie Kellough sound poem I’ve ever heard. [Jason’s voice blends into a recording] |
00:25:52 |
Audio Recording |
Yes, [Laughter] |
00:25:53 |
Jason Camlot |
Next, we’ll hear an audio clip from Kate Moffitt, Kandice Sharren, and Michel Levy, co-authors of Modeling the Audio Edition with Mavis Gallant’s 1984 Reading of “Grip” and “Posh”. |
00:26:11 |
Kandice Sharren |
The rationale behind the copy text aligns with the impulse to prioritize the story itself in our audio edition, rather than the physical artifact or recording event. In some ways, audio offers unique advantages—for instance, when a story is read by its author, it can clarify ambiguities through intonation or even provide the most authoritative version of the text. |
00:26:31 |
Kandice Sharren |
In this case, our copy text was the story as Mavis Gallant performed it [eerie sound] on 14 February 1984—a version that clearly had her seal of approval.
Producing the two podcast episodes required listening to Gallant’s reading dozens of times, and in doing so, Moffitt noticed a significant aside:
Near the end of the recording, Gallant deviates from the story and remarks– |
00:26:54 |
Audio Recording |
[Cuts to the audio recording of Mavis Gallant] I have an editorial query here. Is he imagining this? Yes, these are proofs. |
00:27:00 |
Kate Moffatt |
During a Q&A session celebrating the first episode’s release, we discussed Gallant’s reference to these elusive proofs.
Following that event, SFU Professor Carol Gerson informed us that the proofs for this story, along with a cassette copy of the 1984 reading, were held by the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.
With help from Roma Kail, a librarian at Victoria University, we were able to access scans and confirm that these were the exact same proofs Gallant had been reading from.
On page 24, Gallant’s editor had added an interlinear pencil notation between lines 6 and 7, stating:
Is he imagining this?
Just as Gallant had read aloud in 1984. |
00:27:38 |
Katherine McLeod |
[Echo effect] Next up, Kelly Baron. |
00:27:40 |
Kelly Baron |
[Bell dings] I’m Kelly Baron, and I’m reading from Oral Memory in Madeleine Thien’s Do Not Say We Have Nothing.
In the opening pages of Thien’s novel—which explores intergenerational trauma resulting from the Cultural Revolution in Chinese-Canadian communities—[Voice distorts, accompanied by soft piano notes]
Li Ling, the novel’s protagonist, is walking through Vancouver’s Chinatown when she hears Bach’s Sonata for Piano and Violin No. 4 playing from a store speaker.
She feels drawn towards it, as keenly as if someone were pulling her by the hand—the counterpoint of the music binding together the composer, the musicians, and even the silence.
The music, with its spiraling wave of grief and rapture, was everything she remembered. |
00:28:26 |
Kelly Baron |
That moment sparks a memory of her father.
In the act of listening, he becomes so alive, so beloved that the incomprehensibility of his suicide resurfaces, grieving her all over again.
By her own admission, she had never before experienced such a pure memory of her father, Dong Kai, in the two decades since his death.
Li Ling’s experience in Vancouver’s Chinatown raises important questions about the role of music in literary depictions of intergenerational memory and trauma:
– How does music shape memory recall in novels like this?
– How can listening to the music within literature expand our understanding of trauma and memory transmission?
In this article, I argue that listening within a literary context provides a methodology for understanding intergenerational trauma—one rooted in the sensory experiences that accompany inherited trauma.
These experiences are defined by rhythmic repetition, a new setting, and an emotional distinction that alters perception. |
00:29:32 |
Kelly Baron |
I propose that listening to music in literature represents a new method for identifying intergenerational memory.
This method focuses not only on the literary depictions of sound but also on how that sound shapes the experiences of future generations.
If traumatic memories are communicated through silences and gaps in declarative or narrative memory, then sound itself becomes the conduit—a means by which these memories are passed down to future generations. |
00:30:04 |
Daniel Martin |
My essay is called— [A recording starts playing]— Girl, the Piercing. |
00:30:09 |
SPK_1 |
[Recording plays] Yeah, the hell were you doing with her? It’s not what you think. |
00:30:16 |
Daniel Martin |
[A low humming sound begins in the background] My essay, The Child’s Stuttering Mouth and the Ruination of Language in Jordan Scott’s Blurt and Shelley Jackson’s Riddance, explores how we read and write about the enigmatic experiences of people who stutter—without succumbing to metaphor, stigma, or the valorization of creative stuttering inherent in all textualities. |
00:30:43 |
Daniel Martin |
We put aside critical methodologies that expose the tensions between voice and text in literary expression and instead imagine the experiences of children who stutter through playful and experimental fantasies of language, devourment, and ruination. [Brief static sound] Despite their differences in genre—one a celebrated Canadian sound poetry work, the other an experimental text by an innovator in hypertext and found-document fiction— |
00:31:11 |
Daniel Martin |
Both Jordan Scott’s Blurt and Shelley Jackson’s Riddance reimagine stuttered speech beyond the prosaic deconstruction of voice and text—presence and absence, fluency and disfluency—that have shaped so much critical study on literary voicings. [Humming sound increases] |
00:31:29 |
Daniel Martin |
Both texts examine what it means to return, in Scott’s words, to the fact of the mouth. These works do not merely romanticize the stutter as inherent to language systems, nor do they simply deconstruct speech versus text, presence versus absence, or phonemic versus phonetic binaries that dominate most literary voice studies. |
00:31:51 |
Daniel Martin |
Our critical and theoretical methodologies have grounded literary voice studies in these binaries, but there are other ways to reimagine the romanticization of communicative breakdowns. [A voice in the background hums an extended “mmm” sound] |
00:32:06 |
Daniel Martin |
Scott and Jackson both reorient the reader’s response away from a logic of extractive meaning toward an invitation to participate in the childlike pleasures of—[stutters]—devouring, ingesting, and ruining language. With this pleasure comes trauma, longing, and loss, inevitable aspects of such a destructive relationship with language. [A distorted voice emerges, layering over Daniel’s words] [Daniel’s voice starts stuttering] Their work experiments with devices, techniques, and tricks introduced under biomedical imperatives for speech cure and management. |
00:32:42 |
Daniel Martin |
Both texts raise profound questions about the history of speech therapy, the cultural history of the stutter, and its status as a haunted and haunting presence—one that is both internal and external to the speaking mouth. [A voice in the background repeats an extended “mmm” sound] |
00:33:03 |
Daniel Martin |
Fundamentally, these works suggest that reading or speaking fluently is not necessarily a triumph. For people who stutter, reading can feel threatening—it introduces a fragility in the relationship between speaker and language. The stutter itself is a threat of undoing. It creates a hole, swallowing up the very binary distinctions we rely on to make meaning.
Sometimes, that hole becomes a portal—a doorway to other dimensions and voices. Other times, it is simply a giant mouth, consuming language and eroding meaning, a threat as gleeful and destructive as a child’s indulgent play. These texts introduce disfluent joy, embodying the stutterer’s ruinous relationship with words. |
00:33:51 |
Katherine McLeod |
Next is Kristen Smith. |
00:33:56 |
Kristen Smith |
Hello, I’m Kristen Smith. I’m so grateful to voice an excerpt from Unsounding: A New Method for Processing Non-Linguistic Poetry. [Faint static noise in the background] |
00:34:15 |
Kristen Smith |
The comparison of a non-linguistic poem to a graphic score emphasizes the openness of the art form. The poem as score foregrounds the reader’s role as both performer and interpreter, yet it offers no clear guidance in executing either role. |
00:34:35 |
Kristen Smith |
At every turn, with each proposed paradigm for assessment, non-linguistic poetry resists. [Faint static continues] Non-linguistic poetry rejects totalizing methods for reading and unsounding. In No Medium, Krecht Dworkin performs close readings of unfilled, erased, or blank pages—seemingly silent texts. |
00:35:03 |
Kristen Smith |
In his analysis of Cage’s 4’33”, Dworkin asserts: Silence is always ideal and illusory. Silence is a thought experiment—provocative and unverifiable. [Eerie, distant tones rise in the background] Unsounds are filled with interpretative possibilities and semantic meaning. |
00:35:22 |
Kristen Smith |
This essay specifically examines works that are not blank but still eliminate linguistic material and prevent sounding. These texts are composed of unsound. |
00:35:35 |
Kristen Smith |
[Eerie sound increases] Dworkin pushes further, suggesting that in such works, medium itself is as unrealizable as silence. Non-linguistic poems subvert expectations of medium or category. Moreover, these works compel readers to adopt new reading practices.
Works like Soult’s Moonshot Sonnet, Bergwoll’s Drift, and Schmaltz’s Surfaces require the reader to meet the poem on the page and actively work through it on its own terms. |
00:36:07 |
Kristen Smith |
When encountering a non-linguistic poem, the reader is forced to question their relationship to reading, sound, and communication. [Distorted, eerie sounds grow louder]
By resisting any singular method for interpretation, these works show that both sounding and resisting sound can communicate multivalent, albeit elusive, messages. |
00:36:36 |
Kristen Smith |
Yet, these communications are incomplete without the reader’s participation—perhaps through unsounding the poetic material. The reader is essential to the visual poem’s communication. The reader is integral to the poem’s becoming. [Eerie sounds linger before fading] |
00:36:57 |
Jason Camlot |
Now we’re going to hear from the Readers’ Forum on Disciplinary Listening. |
00:37:01 |
Jason Camlot |
This is Jason Camlot. |
00:37:03 |
Katherine McLeod |
And this is Katherine McLeod. |
00:37:05 |
Jason Camlot |
And we’ll be reading from Forum on Disciplinary Listening: An Introduction. |
00:37:08 |
Katherine McLeod |
We have developed this forum to invite further reflection from experts who have worked with sound across a variety of disciplines. We asked— |
00:37:23 |
Jason Camlot |
– How has your discipline taught you to listen?
– What does listening mean within your discipline?
– How do you understand sonic approaches in relation to disciplinarity?
– What aspects of sound studies as an interdisciplinary field do you translate or transpose into your approaches as a researcher and teacher within a specific discipline of knowledge and university department? |
00:37:56 |
Katherine McLeod |
Now, we invite you to listen to this voice forum as a conversation and to consider what you would write in response to these same questions. Notice the constellations of listeners evoked, the resonances in reflections. Immerse yourself in the listening that each writer educes on the page. [Static noise begins] |
00:38:20 |
Jason Camlot |
This is Jason Camlot again, reading from my short article Towards a History of Literary Listening. The story of literary listening may tell of two long-lasting, concurrent desires within literary encounters. One desire embraces literature as something best apprehended through sound and listening. The other seeks to extricate sound and listening—and, perhaps by extension, the intimacy of other kinds of exchange and communication that involve presence— |
00:38:56 |
Jason Camlot |
[Static noise fades] —from the scenario of literary study. The latter desire—to remove sound and listening from literary study—seems particularly disciplinary in its motivation. [Static starts again] This removal is often justified as a way to protect literary appreciation from the corrupting effects of sound. To the extent that literary criticism seeks to justify its status as a discipline—with established principles of literary judgment—it may be that an interesting technique for contemporary literary listening emerges precisely through acts of listening that ride the contradictions of these competing desires. These contradictory desires reflect larger critical tensions—the desire to hear the past in the present, to feel presence in absence, to know and feel the literary as it exists here and now, as it was, and as it will be. |
00:40:03 |
Jason Camlot |
[Jason’s voice shifts slightly] Next, we’re going to hear from Tanya E. Clement—reading from Distant Listening and Resonance. [Sound clip begins] |
00:40:14 |
Tanya E. Clement |
Speech recordings: sound is text—the words people speak—but also other sounds that indicate a speaking and listening context. Tone, laughter, coughing, crying, birdsong, car engines, horns— [Tanya’s voice begins to echo]—a baby crying, thunder clapping, gunshots, the nano dropping. Using computation to analyze large datasets of sound texts has been called distant listening in digital humanities literature. I describe distant listening to sound texts as a process that uses computing to—[voice distorts slightly]—”distill the multi-layered, four-dimensional space of the text of performance—embodied within the performer’s hour of interpretation in time and space—into a two-dimensional script called code.” |
00:40:59 |
Tanya E. Clement |
Distant is often understood as implying a lack of presence, an observation removed in both space and emotion—detached from individual, subjective knowledge. |
00:41:12 |
Tanya E. Clement |
[Tanya’s voice subtly shifts] Yet, sound travels differently—and what is lacking in distance is often made up for in other ways. [Eerie sound rises in the background] What is too close can be deafening. What is far away can be heard loud and clear. As both a physical property and a cultural hermeneutic, resonance serves as a useful theory for articulating how distant listening can create meaning differently. [Sound fades] |
00:41:41 |
Katherine McLeod |
Next, we have Kim Fox and Reem Elmaghraby. Kim, would you like to say hello and read your title to start off? |
00:41:51 |
Kim Fox |
Sure, I can do that. Thanks for having me—I’m really excited to join you all. Though it is 11:43 PM in Cairo, Reem and I have an essay titled Reflections on Evaluating Soundscapes and Gathering Sounds in Cairo: The Case of the AUC Diaries Project. |
00:42:12 |
Reem Elmaghraby |
So, it is now 10:30 AM, and I should probably open the curtains to see what the weather is like. [Sound of curtains opening]
Well, it’s raining heavily, and the sky is extremely dull. What a depressing way to start the day. [Sound of liquid pouring] Time to make my everyday morning coffee—an espresso shot with a bit of lactose-free foamed milk, no sugar. [Sound of ceramic clattering] Super basic. |
00:42:37 |
Reem Elmaghraby |
I tend to get really bad headaches when I skip my morning coffee dose. I also get super grumpy, so let’s try and avoid that. [Alarm sound goes off] |
00:42:48 |
SPK_1 |
[Sound blends into an audio recording] It’s 6:30 AM, and I must get up for my 8:30 class at AUC. The sound of the alarm, which I snooze over and over again, is not enough to get me out of bed. That’s why I always leave the curtains open.
I don’t like getting up this early. I don’t like it one bit. [Sound of door opening] In fact, I hate it. You know what, maybe I’ll just skip today’s morning class. [Sound of shower running] I’m too tired.
No, I need the grade. What I do slightly appreciate about this pre-8:30 class ritual is its peacefulness—the silence of everyone still asleep.
Anyways, I grab my things and head out to a busy Thursday. [Sound of keys jingling, bag zipping] |
00:43:32 |
Reem Elmaghraby |
[Back to Reem] I stare at the usual pictures of my classmates—and at the black screens with names in the bottom left corner—as I listen to the lecture. [Sighs]
The professor just gave us an assignment, so I write it down in my bullet journal, my calendar, and on a sticky note that I put up on my wall.
Organization is the only thing keeping me afloat this semester. Otherwise, I’d get nothing done. [Sound of a pencil writing on paper]
My desk is probably my favourite place to be. The best way I could describe it? If a crazy wizard started hoarding objects from his many journeys.
I have stickers on my wall, art from my favourite artists, tech gadgets, makeup, accessories—honestly, anything of interest to me is somewhere on my desk. |
00:44:15 |
SPK_1 |
[Audio switches to another recording] Minute 63—Egypt scores! [Background chatter and cheering] But then, Congo ties the score in minute 87.
[More background cheers] We need one goal to qualify. With two minutes left, it felt hopeless. People walked out.
But then—minute 94—Mohamed Salah scores, in a moment that will go down in Egyptian history. [Loud cheers, static interference]
My microphone couldn’t handle the reaction. [Cheering and static noise blend together] It wasn’t any tamer on the streets either. [Sound of drums]
It didn’t look like I could drive home tonight, so I decided to sleep over at Andrew’s. |
00:44:56 |
Katherine McLeod |
Kristin Moriah—That Men Might Listen Earnestly to It: Hearing Blackness. |
00:45:06 |
Kristin Moriah |
[Audio recording begins—rain-like sound gets louder, then fades] |
00:45:06 |
Jason Camlot |
Next, we’re going to hear from Nina Sun Eidsheim and Juliette Bellocq. |
00:45:28 |
Nina Sun Eidsheim |
Listening techniques are naturalized within an area of study. [Eerie music starts playing faintly]
In the PEER Lab—the Practice-Based Experimental Epistemology Research Lab, which I started a few years ago—we seek to listen to the ways different people and different fields listen.
Our goal is to understand more about how the world appears through specific listening techniques.
One of my main collaborators is the graphic designer Juliette Bellocq. We took the invitation to contribute to this volume as an opportunity for me to learn more about her listening practices.
The piece we created together is called What They Say is What They Mean: Listening to Someone’s Story. |
00:46:09 |
Nina Sun Eidsheim |
I started by asking Juliette—what is listening for a graphic designer? |
00:46:16 |
Juliette Bellocq |
As a graphic designer, I agree not to be the sole author of the content in my work. Graphic design, in my practice, means sharing content.
I place myself in a position to translate something I’ve heard, understood, seen, or reconfigured. That means that I have a voice—I am an author, but there is also a co-author.
This co-author can be a client or a community, so listening is essential.
Besides working with the PEER Lab, I primarily work with architects in designing spaces. And the key question when we visit a space or meet with people is: What are their stories?
Listening is our primary tool and resource. [Faint instrumental music begins playing] |
00:47:03 |
Nina Sun Eidsheim |
Do you listen similarly or differently from architects or even other graphic designers? And if so, how do these different types of listening come together? |
00:47:15 |
Juliette Bellocq |
I do think that I listen differently than some other designers because my primary goal is not to solve people’s problems—which is a big part of what graphic design is often about.
My job now is to capture something in the air, make it visible for everyone, and see if it can participate in the culture.
I work to transcribe or crystallize ideas that already exist for all of us.
If I do not listen well, I have nothing to create. Does that make sense? |
00:47:45 |
Nina Sun Eidsheim |
It does, but I’m wondering—is listening a metaphor for all the ways we absorb things? |
00:47:53 |
Juliette Bellocq |
It’s not a metaphor. It’s note-taking and research to make sure we heard correctly.
It’s cross-checking information to ensure that what people meant was actually what we heard.
It’s about understanding group stories before producing anything visual or graphic.
It’s a kind of listening that is meant to engage with something alive. |
00:48:16 |
Juliette Bellocq |
So, we have to listen in a way that is—hopefully, when done well—non-intrusive.
It should not orient the story but let people say what they want authentically.
It is about understanding their words in the right context before finally proposing something that can participate in the culture it comes from.
So, listening is a way to circumvent assumed knowledge. |
00:48:43 |
Nina Sun Eidsheim |
Thank you. |
00:48:46 |
Mara Mills |
Mara Mills and Andy Slater, Blind Mode: Blind Listening Techniques.
I’m Mara Mills, a media studies professor and historian of electroacoustics and disability. My co-author, Andy Slater, is a blind sound artist who records, transcribes, and documents blind listening techniques—or what Andy calls Blind Mode. |
00:49:11 |
Mara Mills |
I first learned about Andy’s work when I was researching the history of the C1 cassette player.
This machine was released by the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled in the United States in 1981.
It included a time-stretching or pitch-restoration feature so that blind people could speed-read talking books without distorting the narrator’s voice. |
00:49:37 |
Mara Mills |
To my surprise, this tape player—which is no longer in production—still has a fan base in noise and experimental music scenes.
Andy uses sounds from the C1, among many other accessibility tools, in his compositions.
And now, we’ll hear a recording of that. |
00:50:07 |
Andy Slater |
[Static sound] [Robotic voice begins] Tape decks and 8-RPM record players were ugly and bulky.
They were meant for home use—out of sight, hidden from embarrassment.
Much like large print books and the white cane itself, some of us knew the glory of the talking book players.
Everything could sound weird if we let it. [Background sound warps slightly]
Reading is fundamental, but any Paul Anka song could sound like sword fighting against Yamat the Chromatic Dragon on those players.
Just as many of us discovered that sound itself can be an alternative to photographs and paintings. |
00:50:34 |
Andy Slater |
These tools, designed to be unappealing so no one would steal them, were also phenomenal noisemakers—antiquities of blind culture. [Voice gets deeper and more distorted]
And they are not that different from contemporary assistive technology. Both can be used creatively—and both can disrupt and annoy.
Phones talk aloud, lid detectors double as theremins, and object recognition apps are often wrong.
Blind folks process multiple sound sources at once because of our use of this tech.
[Voice gets faster and higher] When you compose and perform using these tools, filling the room with blind people’s sounds, you’re most likely making people uncomfortable—which is often the motive of any noise artist. |
00:51:10 |
Andy Slater |
But in my case, it’s about deconstructing my own culture and using tools made specifically for me.
It gives more meaning to the art and experience.
It’s political. It’s entitled. And it’s not just some guy showing off a thrift store find. |
00:51:22 |
SPK_1 |
[Switches to another audio recording] [Overlapping and distorted voices] What does this sound look like?
How is my hair? Do any disabled people work here? Am I wearing a red shirt? Can you tell me how to find the bathroom? [Sound of tape rewinding] |
00:52:08 |
Jason Camlot |
Thank you, Mara and Andy. |
00:52:09 |
Katherine McLeod |
And next, here on Zoom—Ellen Waterman. |
00:52:14 |
Ellen Waterman |
My piece reflects on a research-creation project with Deaf culture artists, Spill Propagation. It’s called Reorienting Audition through Bodily Listening in Place. |
00:52:35 |
Ellen Waterman |
[Sound of a page flipping] The practice I’m calling bodily listening in place requires something akin to what Natasha Myers and Joe Dumit have termed improvising in a state of mid-embodiment.
Writing about the interactive practices and responsive bodies of scientists, Myers and Dumit describe how researchers engage with experimental media, communicate their findings through narrative and embodied gesture, and develop new forms of dexterity in the process. |
00:53:22 |
Ellen Waterman |
Their concept of the responsive excitability of bodies helps explain how experimentalists acquire new kinesthetic, affective, and conceptual dexterities—as they learn to see, feel, and know.
Their description matches my embodied experience. I am learning all over again how to listen. [High-pitched sound begins faintly] |
00:53:30 |
Ellen Waterman |
Of course, Myers and Dumit’s article is implicitly ableist. It assumes a hearing, seeing, mobile subject—and in that respect, it resembles most writing about music, sound, and listening.
We need to account for the complexities of working across Deaf and hearing music cultures. And what draws me to this work is precisely what can be learned in this reciprocal, intercultural encounter. |
00:53:55 |
Ellen Waterman |
For example, my work with Spill Propagation has made me attuned to vibrations—seen and felt—with an intensity I have never experienced in my five decades of making music.
When I listen to music through the vibrotactile vest, I can only discern a generalized buzzing and rhythmic thumping.
My haptic sense is, it seems, woefully undeveloped.
What does it mean to acquire dexterity in a sensory mode?
Or better—what does it mean to adopt an intersensory approach to listening that encompasses multiple sensory modes?
And what happens when we foreground interdependence as a valid and precious foundation for musical creativity?
These questions animate my desire to reorient audition through bodily listening in place. [Sound of book closing] |
00:54:51 |
Jason Camlot |
Thank you, Ellen. And we’re going to close this reading from the special issue of English Studies in Canada with Katherine McLeod: Archival Listening. |
00:55:02 |
Katherine McLeod |
This is Katherine McLeod, reading from Archival Listening. [Faint background sound]
Archival listening is listening to archives while reflecting on how you are listening—and how you intend to share what you have heard.
Archival listening listens with a future listener in mind.
Archival listening is a practice of attending to the archival apparatus—holding the sound.
While you were away, I held you like this in my mind. |
00:55:34 |
Katherine McLeod |
Archival listening is hearing the body in time.
Archival listening is situating oneself as a listening body in time.
Archival listening understands that there are limits to knowing—and makes room for what cannot be heard. [Static and overlapping voices in the background]
Archival listening takes time. |
00:55:54 |
Katherine McLeod |
We want to remember what the archive seems to remember.
Archival listeners are removed from the time and space of a recorded event—but having heard its sound, a new memory of that event is formed, and the feeling of hearing it remains. |
00:56:16 |
Katherine McLeod |
That ends our recording. Thank you all for listening. [Sound fades into a whistle] |
00:56:21 |
Hannah McGregor |
[Beat music starts playing] You’ve been listening to the SpokenWeb Podcast—a monthly podcast produced by the SpokenWeb team.
This podcast is part of our work distributing the audio collected from and created using Canadian literary archival recordings found at universities across Canada. |
00:56:45 |
Katherine McLeod |
This month’s episode was produced by Jason Camlot.
It features the voices and sounds of Douglas Moffat, Katherine McLeod, Jason Camlot, Annie Murray, Julia Polyck-O’Neill, Michael O’Driscoll, Mathieu Aubin, Jason Wiens, Klara du Plessis, Kandice Sharren, Kelly Baron, Nina Sun Eidsheim, Juliette Bellocq, Kim Fox, Reem Elmaghraby, Kristin Moriah, Daniel Martin, Kristen Smith, Tanya E. Clement, Mara Mills, Andy Slater, and Ellen Waterman. |
00:57:20 |
Katherine McLeod |
The New Sonic Approaches in Literary Studies event was produced by Jason Camlot, Katherine McLeod, James Healy, and Douglas Moffat. [SpokenWeb theme song starts playing]
Check the show notes for all of those names again—and for a link to the journal issue itself that this sound piece performed. |
00:57:36 |
Katherine McLeod |
The SpokenWeb Podcast team includes: – Supervising producer: Maia Harris
– Sound designer: TJ MacPherson
– Transcriber: Yara Ajib
– Co-hosts: Hannah McGregor and me, Katherine McLeod |
00:57:48 |
Katherine McLeod |
To find out more about SpokenWeb, visit spokenweb.ca and subscribe to the SpokenWeb Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen.
If you love us, let us know—rate us and leave a comment on Apple Podcasts or say hi on social media. |
00:58:05 |
Katherine McLeod |
For now—thanks for listening. |
00:58:08 |
SpokenWeb Outro |
[SpokenWeb theme song plays] [Harmonizing voices singing] |