Audio Archives

Irving Layton Collection at the University of Saskatchewan Library

Person Describing Archive

Annie Murray (2010); Chelsea Obodoechina (2020)

Is this primarily a poetry audio site?


Sponsoring Person or Institution

Special Collections, University of Saskatchewan

Site URL

Site Last Updated
Date Visited


General Description of Archive

U Sask has a small Layton collection, and they have digitized parts of it, including some audio.

UPDATE (Chelsea Obodoechina): Link is no longer functional. To access archive, visit

Description of archive history or URL


Contact information

David Bindle is the Special Collections Librarian

Searchable options

basic and advanced searches,

Relation from the audio to the text
Date/Time/Length/Context info about the audio items
Author bios and context within literary history
Audio file type: streaming, download, file format, audio file compression quality (WAV, MP3, bitrate)
Multimedia integration (pictures, video, etc.)

just a banner image of Layton

Audio playback setup (opens in Flash player, on new blank screen, etc.)

standard Content DM options: click on "access item" and you download an MP3 file to your media player

Mobile access (i.e. accessible on smart phones, tablets, etc.)
Discovery features (pre-made playlists; dynamic lists: lists of recent additions, featured items, related items, etc).
Interactivity and Web 2.0 features
Other notes