Audio Archives

First World War Poetry Digital Archive

Person Describing Archive

Deanna Fong (2012); Chelsea Obodoechina (2020)

Is this primarily a poetry audio site?


Sponsoring Person or Institution

University of Oxford

Site URL

Site Last Updated
Date Visited


General Description of Archive

The First World War Poetry Digital Archive is an online repository of over 7000 items of text, images, audio, and video. The heart of the archive consists of collections of primary material from major poets of the period, supplemented by a comprehensive range of multimedia artefacts from the Imperial War Museum. The archive's audio collection gives a cross-section of experiences from the First World War, through oral history interviews with veterans, their families, and those who served the War effort at home.

Description of archive history or URL

Contact information

Searchable options

Search bar gives options to search First World War Poetry Digital Archive and/or
Great War Archive (checked box). Advanced search options allow the user to search by author, subject, title, notes, file type, medium and creation place, among other options. Can also search by date range.

Relation from the audio to the text

No transcripts given.

Date/Time/Length/Context info about the audio items

Extensive metadata on page: Notes, Item Date, Creation place, File type, Item medium Content (i.e. genre - interview, etc.), Collection ID#, Repository name, Repository address, Repository URL, Cataloguer, Filename and Copyright information. This information can also be printed, downloaded or bookmarked (icons for each on the page).

Author bios and context within literary history

Short biography of the speaker given in the "notes."

Audio file type: streaming, download, file format, audio file compression quality (WAV, MP3, bitrate)

Streaming or download (mp3).

Multimedia integration (pictures, video, etc.)
Audio playback setup (opens in Flash player, on new blank screen, etc.)

Embedded on page. Play/pause, volume control, manipulable progress bar. No timer/track length.

Mobile access (i.e. accessible on smart phones, tablets, etc.)

UPDATE (Chelsea Obodoechina): Mobile access is possible, but the website does not cater to mobile devices. Functionality may vary depending on the device.


Users can browse by keyword, i.e. "Commemoration" or "Medical." Hyperlinks on page by metadata categories listed above allow for multiple browsing paths.

Discovery features (pre-made playlists; dynamic lists: lists of recent additions, featured items, related items, etc).
Interactivity and Web 2.0 features
Other notes

While the main body of the site is primarily a poetry site, the audio in this collection is oral history.